Now this is a good word! My logo and avatar are all about being wrapped up in a bow. But my submission for Illustration Friday's " wrapped" theme was inspired by Georgina Matich of Argentina and the lovely ATC she made for me in 2007. It is titled "Silla" and I adore it! So when the ArtHouse 10,000 project sent me the word "chair" I asked Georgina if we could collaborate on this and she graciously allowed her image to be repurposed for this show. I have been working all summer on book illustrations, a large houscape and a wine label and now summer is almost gone... it has been nice, creative and quiet. I just wrapped the silla/chair image for the September 1st deadline and I hope you like it Georgina and Thank you so much for your kindness, talent and cooperation.
Georgina Matich's Blog
valeriewalsh 2009