Friday, January 06, 2006

Illustration Friday: Light House

This is my submission for " Sea " on IllustrationFriday. The title is "Light House". I have painted this in many formats. I did it as an illustration (paint on paper for my Homemade calendar.) This version is a flat dimensional painting with frame and resin. The Light House is made from wood and it has several layers of dimension. The railing up top is made from carved matchsticks with a fabric cord to replicate rope. I always incorporate the frame as part of the painting and with these layered paintings I always pour a polymer resin. Sorry for the highlights and the crop job but since this piece is hyper-shiney it needed to be photographed at an angle to reduce white spots and glare.

I love the sea and I love painting it too.
copyright 2000 not to be used without permission
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Caroline said...

What a jolly lighthouse! I love the candle as the light. I'd love to see it in real life to get more of a grasp on its 3-dness.

carla said...

Wow! This is soooo cool! The blues in the sky and sea are so brilliant, and the lighthouse looks both strong and inviting. I can imagine that this most be really great "in person" ... I wish I could see the various dimensions and elements.

Natura said...

So charming house! Peaceful between sky and sea. Colors, as always, are lovely.

Kim Carney said...

wonderful colors and a sense of peace.

steve said...

So cute ! I prefer windmills but this is pretty awesome!


Majane said...

wonderful piece. the blue is beautiful!

Janet said...

I like this, Val! ( I wish it would enlarge when I click on it, so I could see the different dimensions to it.)

Teri said...

Oh Val, it is beautiful! We are on the same page but in a different book :)

Karlishhh said...

is lovely, i like a lot the colors, and how you use the elements well done¡

Sally said...

Always have loved lighthouses. Very nice!

Ginger*:) said...

Spectacular! I love all your wonderous little houses and especailly this one by the sea.

les said...

LOVE the sky.

Zórdís said...

So much peace in here. Not a blair of beautiful and joyful.

Dynamite Soul said...

soft and serene sea, lovely!

gudbrandsdottir said...

Very nice lighthouse, I love the mixture of medias and the 3D effect.

Heather said...

I love it. Absolutely gorgeous!

The Tart said...
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The Tart said...

what a great lighthouse!

Anonymous said...

Wow, can imagine how good it looks in real life with three dimensions!

Ange said...

This is a wonderful piece of artwork. I really like the whimsical lighthouse. Great job!

isay said...

one of the most beautiful lighthouse i have ever seen.

Tony Sarrecchia said...

That is cool. Great job with the colors and the capture of the peacefulness of the scene.

Anonymous said...


Queen Tut said...

Hi Val, I love the way you lead the eye through the image, up the stairs to the house and then swooping over the house upto the candle in the top window and then you are blown away by the blue sky and gliding sea gulls!

andrea said...

I used to fantasize about being a lighthouse keeper. If this was the lighthouse, I'd still be fantasizing. Would love to see it in 3D.

Joy Eliz said...

Very Beautiful!

Mick said...

Wonderful illustration and, I love the candle too!

Slowplum said...

I love this. The lines are clean and simple without detracting from the overall aesthetic. Excellent work! :)

The Unknown said...

Wonderful! :-)

Unknown said...

Beautiful as always. I think I'm going to have come up with a product idea for you.

constanthing said...

I bet it must be real impressive in real, the candle is a real cute touch.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Very CUTE and sweet, nice. If you have photoshop, you could reduce the keyhole effect using skew. Nice work. mary :-)

Radha a.k.a Ratlion said...

Serene and peaceful is right! Lovely!

Anonymous said...

I like the blue.Beautiful work.The lighthouse is really pretty.

steve said...

Nice work--very peaceful imagery. I enjoyed reading about the hard work that went into this.

modroom said...

I like the balance and composition of this, the steps, the sea and land.

Twisselman said...

Beautiful... and that must be a very bright candle!

Regina said...

This is great. I ber it's even more amazing in person!

Linzie said...

Great use of colour, and a really interesting technique too :D

Shano said...

So pretty and fun! I can't believe I want to hug a lighthouse.

Unknown said...

One of these days i would love to see you work up close and personal.

the detail you have here is awsome.

Unknown said...

AHHH!! lovely piece!! The light house is beautifully design!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I think all the previous comments say it;-)

walle said...

Nice picture! I especially like the clear blue colour of the sea. Thanks for the nice words on my blog!

Liz Jones said...

Very cool! Ilove that you include the frame. I always think it looks better that way!

Todd DeWolf said...

I can smell the sea air already. Ok-now I am now officially homesick! I really love the candle. This is is a very special illo. Well done. I love it.


This is such an adorable lighthouse! It reminds me of one of my dear dreams. There is a lighthouse on the shores of Maine where they accept summer guardians every year. You come to live in the lighthouse (on an island), receive and guide tourists and take care of everything. I wouldn´t mind living in your lighthouse either!

Carolyn A. Pappas said...

This is so cool. I've always wanted to do some kind of 3d mixed media piece. Maybe I will try it out...

Anonymous said...

Great piece, love the vibrancy of it.


Anonymous said...

this is amazing! i love it.

Jayme Jacobson said...

It looks like the kind of illustration that you would love as a kid--that you would keep staring at and wish that you could get there. That candle is great.

String said...

I have a soft spot for Lighthouses. Love this one!

Cream said...

Beautiful colours, Val!
So much details and I love the candle at the top!
Lighthouses are rated by candle power! Yours has a powerful candle!

Wilnara said...

Val, I love the brillance of the sky and the sea. The lighthouse is again so inviting. Another beautiful illustration!

Anonymous said...

oh val! what a beautiful piece of artwork! How incredible it must be to see upclose and in person! So much detaill to it! Your work is always so happy. I really love your style so much!!

ecm said...

Wow! Lovely results from a unique 3D mixed media approach! Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing :-)!!!

Kay Aker said...

Makes you just want to climb up the steps and walk in, imbued with such personality and warmth.

KarenW said...

This looks like a place I would like to peaceful and inviting.

Anonymous said...

Well, I won't be original but your light house is a charming place to live!! Beatiful craftwork!


RedT0pMedusa said...

well i defanantly enjoy this little candle lit sea side story defanantly tells a tale

and again i particularly like the stones

Anonymous said...

Hmm. It's humbling to see someone do something so out of the box. I'll be tacing my tablet and hiding in the shadows for a while!

TXArtcGal said...

LOVE it!!! The vivid colors, the composition, the boat sailing in the distance, the candle in the lighthouse...everything! Awesome!

vfm4 said...

i love light houses and yours is perfect! :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say thanks for the encouraging words on my blog!

Anette Heiberg said...

What a beautiful lighthouse, it looks great!

IamOSI said...

awesome design. dig the rich blueness of, blue.

Anonymous said...

Very nice indeed! Thanks for the description since it lost some of that detail being photographed. It would be nice if you could find a way to off-set the flash -that could even help bring out the 3d parts. Great work!

Jaimie said...

amazing! please teach me how to do that! Layed paintings sound fun to make.

bee'nme said...

How cool is that - I love your style! And this application of it on a 3-D piece is so beautiful! Love your subject matter too! Wonderful!

HARDWAX said...

the light from the horizon seems to change-become lighter,brighter-then back-beautiful {or I could just need my eyes checked}notsure,anyway regardless-very moving

Doodlestreet said...

I'd love to see this up close and see all those object details you included. Object art is so so fun to create..I have a piece in mind that I will be doing soon (under my desk in a "pile of pieces") :O)

They are like art puzzles...

I love this piece here...and the ocean too.