My submission for Illustration Friday's "Rain" is from my 2001 HomeMade calendar and the title is "Dog House". This is my dog Rat and this was for the month of April. You know, April showers bring May flowers. The quote is: Mid Pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble there's no place like home. ~ Howard Payne
hello valarie, i hope you don't mind my visiting your blog. i love the colors you use: they inspire and lighten. I especially love the color of the doghouse.
Lovely! Ratty looks completely at ease with the shower. :)
Val, rhis is so peaceful looking! I love the blue and green together. The trees that flank the doghouse have a Japanese print feeling to them with their graceful lines, spare leaves, and pretty oranges. Your pup looks perfectly happy to stay inside his house...I guess he's happy as long as he has his bone to chew on:>
I Really like this, Val! I love the color of the doghouse!
Poor Ratty in the rain. Well actually not in the rain because he has a lovely dog house to keep dry in! Wonderful illustration and great detail in the doggy!
you pretty much have an illustration for all occassion!! very nice - again!
I liked a lot the sky degradee
the doggy looks lonely with its bone there, but - whatever, he is dry!
nice piece!
Nifty how there is a light source even though the rain is falling steadily.
This is one time the doghouse is the perfect place to be. So cute.
Very cute, great work!
I recognized Rat immediately! I thought it never rained in California. I'm glad it does, if it inspires you to make art. :)
ooooooooooo poor doggie. So much rain, so little time to play. I will take him for a walk for you with my little polka dot umbrella.
Great colors in this piece. That dog is so adorable! Brandi
I like your style. But as the owner of three dogs, I say April showers bring wet poop :)
You are the BEST!
Awww. I wish my dog had such a cute doghouse!
I like how the theme of the house is central here, too. Beautiful and all Val's:-)
It looks very comfortable in this dog-house, such a lovely dog.
your dog looks quite at ease in its colourful, large house! Vibrant spring-colours! and love the rain effect...
even your rainy days look bright and happy. I love this piece
Dogs look for the warmth of the familiar-a cozy little house. I wonder if he can appreciate the lonely sound of rains pitter patter on the the roof. Unique and warm as always.
Thanks so much for your comment. I'm also a Pisces and a Californian so I guess that's why we relate to each other's work, though I'm not a Boar but a Rat.
Adorable, he's lucky to have that dog house and some food, too. Well drawn and coloured.
At least Ratty will have some fresh cold water to drink in his doggie bowl ! Too bad he's not the type of dog who enjoys the rain and plays in it.
Wonderful, but he looks a little lonely out there in the rain. The colors are beautiful.
lov the way u make this peice just glow even in the rain. im sure rat can afford 1 down day, but 2 looks like it be pusing it.
Gorgeous glow to the colors. I love the shift in the sky. It has such a nice Japanese woodblock feel to it.
Nice!!! The colors are beautiful Val...and the name of your pooch is just hysterical :-)
so cute!! Love it!
I always enjoy your decorative pieces, your carefully controlled colors and textures. I hope to return with Mrs. T soon.
What a swell house Ratty has. Our Blackie doesn't have a house... just ours... and the garage. Great colors... I agree with Carla... very calming and peaceful.
He looks so cosy in his cute little dog house!
Hehe..."drowned Rat." Not literally of course. A dog house is something I don't think I have seen from you ~ of course! Great colors and fun as usual, Val!
Oh my gosh - what a sweet portrait of Rat! I just love your colors and the orange trees! Gorgeous Val!
What a sweet pup- very lovely :)
Hi Val,
It can rain much,Ratty is under shelter in its blue house...I like this blue !
But does it rain in California ?
Nice week
what a sweet pup val...he really stands out against the blue....bet he'll be glad when it stops raining ;)
What an adorable illustration! That poor pooch looks like he needs to get out and run! I hope the rain stops soon! Well...at least he has a bone to keep him busy!
love the colours here!
Oooh!! So cute, love your take on the theme!! beautiful as always!
I love the delicate brushwork of the rain and the leaves. It feels so serene!
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