My submission for Illustration Friday's "Super Hero" is "Poppy" from a collection of characters I created for a project I started in 2005. Each girl is a flower, a different ethnicity and temperament and teaches about growing and cultivating your own garden and about all the varietals getting along together in the garden. If I was really together and I knew how to illustrate using the computer my submission would be "Home of the Brave" and it would be a retirement home for Super Heroes, Firemen, Police. This week the pipes froze, my regulator broke and in this area a lot of burst pipes etc. It took 4 days to finally get it fixed! No hot water, no water period and it was very cold. Mr. Plumber this week you are my Super Hero!
airbrush on canson airbrush paper
copyright 2005 Flower Garden Girls
very beautiful super hero val! happy weekend to you.
She is a cutie. I love her knees. Great illustration.
that's a cute character!! Lovely design!
Dear friend, always so lovely to visit your blog :-) Hope you get your water back soon and keep warm. Your illos always make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Keep safe.
How devine! I love the little hearts cut out in her patent leathers. I can relate to the frozen pipes. This year we escaped that but did lose power for many many long cold hours. We can expect it up here, but for you it must be very unusual. I am so glad you have MR. PLUMBER the super hero to come to the rescue!
she is adorable. if only i could see all the flower girls!
i am happy the plumber came to your rescue!
happy weekend val!
I love seeing a different side to you and your work!
ohmygawd-that's horrible! I'm so sorry you had to endure that. I'm not clear whether your pipes froze or actually burst.. but four days to get it fixed, one thing IS clear. Lots of people needed plumbers!
Your super hero "poppy" is adorable. as always.
aww...super cute val! love the red in this piece! great job.
Very cute!!
I think you've got the hero bit just right!
this is a very sweet & beautiful illo - love the curled petal of her dress and the lovely vibrant colors.
so sorry to hear about your dilemma, hope everythings fixed PDQ!
SLAVES are not heros! Scaredy Cat!
Home of the Brave sounds like a really inspirational piece, I hope you are still inspired to do it at a later date. I like the idea of having a Poppy Girl to pay homage to the "Super Heroes" of the real world. Sorry about your pipes... man it has been cold!
I love Poppy! Just adorable.
she's way cute, val, like a lil cupie! nice work!
Great big red egg!
She's darling! I love the idea of your garden of characters, and I really love the Home of the Brave concept...really fabulous. Sorry about your cold weather woes... everything is all mixed up with the weather this year, although I wasn't complaining when it was warm in the northeast. Now it's a big 10 degrees and normal for january, so perhaps you're getting normal weather there.
She's an instant classic!
Hi Val,
Lovelly super flower hero !
Nice illo !
Have a great week !
Fabulous! Do these flower babies grow on trees or in the ground? Bad Dog(deceased)
Its beautiful super hero :o)
Best Wishes
very cute!tnx for your comment, this year winter in Italy is abnormally warm...all we need are superheroes? mhh...
She is adorable!
frozen pipes in california! and here in new england we have no snow and mild temperatures. :(
Your art would never give a hint of all those domestic issues. Yes, a plumber is the ideal super hero sometimes, especially when the house is drowning in water.
This is way too cute. My daughter would love this girl. Maybe she should be made into a toy. I will then put one in my office.
Okay, why am I the anonymous one (above)again?
How wonderful it is to see recent work. Well near recent. She is so cute. Hope we get to see the other characters at some point.
I head out to CA on Friday and hope your weather has warmed up some.How far are you from Anaheim or San Bernardino?
Hi! Do you imagine a Volvo designed by women and for women?. I invite to discover it in my blog to you. ;0)
Robert Vandenbego
Madrid, Spain
i love the idea of the super hero flower girls ! Thats dynamite! She is so adorable too! Sorry about the pipes n stuff..home things make me so antsy!
Your heroe makes me want to buy it, do you sell the dolls arelady? LOL
Very sweet super heroin!!
she is adorable!!! she reminds me of strawberry shortcake a little bit. anyways she is a fantastic character...i would love to see more of these!!
my superhero illo
"home of the brave"?
go with that, val. it is an awesome idea, and right up your house-smart alley.
i also love the idea of your garden. you are soooooo interesting and creative. it makes me want to meet you for coffee (or tea, or hot chocolate, or wine, or etc etc) this very minute!
ok, so shes able to melt ppls hearts at 1st glance but can she leap tall buildings in a single bound
Oh, Valgal....I am feeling sorry for you! But then you have such great friends like Mark!!! Hope things are looking up!
This is a wonderful spin on the theme! The sense I get is of a girl playing at superherodom, but I could well be wrong :). A lovely composition!
She's such a cutie!
Poppy's beautiful... slightly pigeon-toed and all. Way cute.
Sorry to hear about the pipes. I think California's Central Valley and So. Cal. got hit harder than we did up on the central coast. But it has been cold... lots of days in a row... which may sound like whining to those hardy souls in the east and midwest. We're spoiled here in the Golden State. Hope you get everything back together soon.
Wow- awesome!
In ref. to your "Home of the Brave"-- saw this at a gallery last winter- pretty funny:
OMG she is so cute! What a great idea for a series. I love the style you have used, it looks embossed.
Poor you and your plumbing woes, I have to admit that plumbing problems can and have unravelled me.
I have tagged you! It's a little game, if you have the time and want to play, pop by my blog to see how.
Wow fantastic. I have a similar group of charachters - well they have the same job; teaching people about the different plants and flowers. Of course they look completely different - and isn't that what is wonderful about art?
The colours you use are just fantastic - and your charachter has real charachter!!
very sweet superhero! and this could fit this week's IF topic too! :)
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