When you paint happy pictures you generally don't have a lot of pieces that pertain to "fail "so I can only reflect on my own failures and there have been a few. Some are too personal and painful but the sting from this project has long dissipated. I talked about this in a post quite a while back and submitted a different illustration because I had to come up with several illustrations in a 24 hr. period. This illo was for Celine Dion when she got her gig in Las Vegas and was securing art for merchandise in her gift store at Caesar's Palace. This was something I thought she might like as she was a new mom, so I put a little boy in it and my goal was to create these vintage-like-Vogue-like covers that would emulate her and her passion for fashion. Obviously different from my usual fare, but the good part was she really liked them and I received an email telling me so. It was a very long drawn out affair and after a certain point I took a pass. It was good to know I could still stay up all night and crank out some art. For Illustration Friday's "Fail" theme
click on image for a closer view..
You never fail when you try something new or different. This is just lovely, warm and delightful.
this is lovely...hardly a failure...I echo Ginger's remarks....
Not a failure at all...wonderful as always and each and every piece is created for a reason...had a special feeling...just magical...
Well gosh, its just so soft and beautiful!!
Wow! It's so cool to have the opportunity of knowing the story behind such a lovely illo :O
Of course Celine would like it, Val!
I think this topic drove everyone to think or make up something that would represent it. I was wondering what you would come up with and as it turned out, something perfect for all the reasons. As for taking a pass, I don't think that's a failure but a "different option" and I am not making up some crap like we do at work, words that are suppose to represent some big concept but instead simply mean :"systemness" = don't ask for anything special or different, this is what you get; "look at the big picture" = we don't know what we're doing; think outside the box = we have no idea; "opportunities" = you have a lot of work to do.
ditto the above
And as far as the piece:
really different... i like it!
oh holey cow....what ces said, too! and this is LOVELY, val! you and that glow of color! :))))
Wow - that's a failure? Sounds like a positive outcome to me, if C liked your work.
I hate this week's theme but, as always, you've come up with a beautiful and quite stylistic piece. x
There is an award for you at my blog!
hey I just noticed. I tell you if it was a snake it would have bitten me long ago. Your text color matches the color scheme of your artwork! How cool is that?!
Valgal! I've only heard you talk about this piece but have never seen it. Totally great of course!
The flowers make me hanker for summer.... Today was really warm & sunny in seattle but it's not supposed to last.
Cant wait to see you!
What an experience! Sounds bittersweet, but a good experience to have had...Your work is simply beautiful, and the yellow is perfect...I love this, it's so warm and gentle..nice work Val!! I owe you a proper email, doll!
a : )
beautiful and love the graceful quality!
Nice colors and composition!
she is the sun!
It is obvious why she liked it.. I love the way how you did the water.. great!!..
yes I agree with ginger...no fail if trying something different...
excellent work as usual!
who will not like this? this is really beautiful. i also like the font you used for her name.
its always nice to drop by your blog for some refreshing surprise! this is really beautiful..
just came from a vacation and missed out lots of IF posts.. so its really great to visit here. keeps me inspired..
Beautiful! Celine is so lucky to have you to paint for her!
This is so nice and really "chic", the baby is a touch of genius!!!
Wonderful and bright colorful palette! So warm picture, I like it!
Wow! that's beutiful! how you do it? you draw exellent, I like it very much. specially the color n.n. the woman is like a angel xD..weelm, that's it, you are in my links! have a kiss!!
PD: I'm not english, I'm from argentina, sorry for my poor english
a nice and inspiring story and a very lovely illustration!
IT's an evil yellow eye - no wait, it's a sunny happy picture. :)
You are so interesting Val! You have so much to share!
It's a beautiful illustration.
what a cute little drawing, i bet she liked it.
i loved your word 'verklempt' on tony's site...haven't heard that one for years. do you use other yiddish expressions? there is nothing like a good 'shlep' or 'tsimmis' or 'balabosta' to make the world right!
Hello, I'm looking in from Ces and her dishes. Your leap illustration made me smile and I love the story about the gypsy wagon*!*
I was sure Céline would love it! This is such a fresh and nice illo! And Céline is a nice person! :)
So cheerful! Thanks for sharing, it's sometimes comforting to know everyone makes mistakes!
This is so lovely, my moms name is Celine, so it really caught my eye. Lovely work.
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