Friday, May 30, 2008

Illustration Friday: baby

My submission for Illustration Friday's "baby" is one of my Home Town greeting cards and it is a little storefront shop that displays wares for a new baby/babies. It is a die cut card and perfect for a baby shower gift for a new mommy. When you collect them all it makes a small town and a fun display.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Illustration Friday: worry

Sometimes when I get ready to leave the house, my dog Rat seems to worry. Once he realizes that he will not be coming with me he looks sad and let down. This can cause me a little guilt but I promise him I will be right back with a walk in his future and I leave him with a few cookie bribes. He seems to look a little less worried...
My submission for Illustration Friday's "worry" is a small layered dimensional painting "House Sitting" and it is made with Foam board, clay, wood, acrylic paint and resin.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Illustration Friday: wide

My submission for Illustration Friday's "wide" theme is a work in progress and one of my signature "Houscapes". This seems like a very wide house to me, I would not want to have to clean this place... it has a lot more detail that will be added such as total landscaping, everything on the house will be detailed out with scroll elements on all the railings and front door, light fixtures, etc. When I initially draw the house I delete all the landscape and add in the dirt and cement even if it gets totally covered up by plants, shrubs, trees, flowers and pottery. I just like it to all be there. So this will be totally different when I post it again. There are two very tall and phallic cypress trees that adorn each side of the doorway and lots of beautiful bushes and trees flank the home. I am working on a few jobs at once, I designed and painted a School House diecut candy box for a confectionary company, it will be filled with candy and given as gifts from students to teachers for the end of the year Thank You's. I will post it soon. I enjoy working on one type of work for a few hours and while that one dries I move to the next one.
I did see this guy and 4 of his buddies moving towards my neighbors garden... and I saw a beautiful young bobcat making it's way through the yard. Rat always lets me know when there is wildlife in our vicinity because he has a unique muffled bark reserved for wildlife and all the hair on his back stands up, it is hilarious!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Illustration Friday: electricity

My submission for Illustration Friday's "electricity" is from a greeting card that I made for Marisol. It has a gift certificate to "Come over to my house for holiday cheer" it was rejected for being to dark. Candlelight versus electricity is an easy choice for me because I am usually painting pretty detailed work so I need good light. I have 365 halogen lights in my studio and they are the best purchase I ever made. It is like daytime in my studio late at night. Here in Topanga several times a year somebody driving up Hwy. 27 hits a power pole and suddenly no electricity. I am super prepared for this situation, I have lots of candles, alternate light sources, batteries, a portable dvd player, a radio with cd player that runs on batteries, etc. We have a big-time disaster preparedness program for all residents having been faced with fires, floods and earthquakes, you can see them here and here.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Illustration Friday: seed

My submision for Illustration Friday's "seed" is one of my Marisol greeting cards and the interior is a gift certificate that promises love and friendship.