Did somebody say fierce?
My submission for Illustration Friday's fierce is a small 2"x 2 1/2" rough for Walrus Pictures and an improved version of this was used for their videos and films.
I mean " fierce" in the snap your fingers and "You look fierce" kinda way :)
so cool and adorable!
best regards to you valerie
Cool! You sure have done some interesting things Val!
You are one fierce woman!
love the shades!
I love this guy!! I can hear him singing...
I'm too sexy for my shades.."
Not fierce, I'm afraid; in fact he looks like someone you might like to sit next to at dinner.
he is pretty scary... funny too.
awesome, great music pick as well! love the pogues!
Very cute illo, but your music came on and scared the crap out of me!
Fierce in a high-fashion, metro-sexual walrus kind of way, of course.
Oh it is fierce, and what other way could it be but, one snap up and one snap across to create an F for fierce! lol!
Adorable!.. he is so happy.. =D
PS: Thanks a lot for your kind words!..
He's one cool guy!
(...and, me too!...the music came on and I jumped outa my seat!) :)
What scared me most was the "fierce music".
Now those fangs could be fierce! Even with the dark shades and the intense smile...
ok, you and you teenie boppers...i just can't keep up with your lingo! he is WICKED FIERCE, isn't he?
you are playing the pogues...kilkenny! okay now THAT is a wicked FIERCE move! :))
he makes me giggle.. nice job as always!
Ummmm...you just scared the $h!t out of me with your music selection! :(
Love Wallie, though. : )
Wonderful. You made me spill my coffee!
He is too cute to be scary!! Love it.
So funny!
hey, we have some of the same tastes in tunes! love the sundays...and love this walrus, he's awesome!! love the sunglasses!! where's "Fairytale in NY" by the Pogues? >: ) Kate, you oughtta love that one! ; )
a : )
Wow, This guy is very attractive. what kind of canine is he? Love. Bad Dog
But he is so adorable. I know he is fierce but you made him cute.
Very cool and cute.
he is totally adorable, not fierce at all, just loveable.
Oh snap! He's absolutely fierce! Who's his dentist, by the way? I need a smile that that.
he is too cute! i am also in love with your schoolhouses, i am a huge fan of shadow box type things, and i bet you would make an amazing house-style shadow box!
I dig your walrus. Very cool.
What a fun character! Love the shades.
What a great character... love the shades and the smile... kinda reminds me of Bruce Willis. =)
What a cute guy! But your music scared the $H*T out of me! I had my volume up really loud, then WHAM there's this loud SCREAM! (My 7 year old was in here and laughed ... "What was THAT?") Love your walrus' shades...nice touch :)
lovely drawing!
Very cool, he has a lot of character :)
Very cool, he has a lot of character :)
LOL - I did wonder how you were going to do 'fierce'! He's fabulous - just goes to show your versatility.
PS, your music just frightened the life out of me. LOL. x
Well this is not what I expected at all. . .wow this is totally different than you usually do. Haven't been around for a while. . .maybe the houses are gone?
He is adorable though! Love those sun glasses! Great job!
i love your take on the topic! wonderful!
FIERCE!!! Great submission.
ha! I was sitting here staring into this adorable walrus and then the music you unknowningly added hits me something fierce! And I jump out of my seat!!! :O)
Fierce yes, but adorable!!!
he's just magnificent! - a wonderful, beautiful walrus - really lovely!
That's the toughest guy around!
I am quaking with fear! The music is super too! Love everything about this, Valerie!
Val - thanks for your comments. if you would care to contact me via email at gillian@kmowbray.freeserve.co.uk
and let me know which images you'd like I'll be happy to send you high res versions, as I'd prefer not to post them on Flickr. x
Thanks for your kind words Valerie!.. they mean a lot for me..
PS I try people can say if my caricatures look like the person, in that way I can get more information if I am doing the thigs worng.. thanks thanks thanks!!
How nice place! its been great to meet your blog and your work.
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