Friday, December 25, 2009
Illustration Friday:pioneer
Monday, December 21, 2009
Illustration Friday: undone
"undone" theme is a greeting card titled "Holly House". Have a lovely holiday whatever you celebrate :)
copyright 1995 valerie walsh
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Valgalart/ Working with William Wegman

I decided to resurrect my posting about the "artists I have worked with" series as a print maker at Wasserman SilkScreen Company. I really liked almost every artist I have worked with except for one or two (I worked with a lot!) but one I really liked was William Wegman. His art is all about his dogs and he's world renowned but you would never know because the guy was a pleasure to be around, very sweet to me and I don't mind saying I had a little crush on him. He is real smart and really loves those dogs, but all the while crafting amazing pictures that everyone wants. You might be wondering how we printed his work and for sure he was a special case because his originals are enormous Polaroid prints and call for reproducing a photographic realistic look using a fine art method of printing. We worked hand in glove with another printer that Jeff had a relationship with called Black Box and they made collotypes of his art on rag paper and we added some layers of ink (via silkscreen process) to enhance and pop the images. Plus we did a special varnish which is always gnarly and stinky and you get quite high being around it for a whole day. I hate to think about all the fumes I inhaled but what are you gonna do. Hazards of the trade. I think we did a 3-4 piece portfolio that was in a beautiful case and the prints were large. Normally I would remember all of the details, how many prints but at that time period his work was so hot that I was able to sell my printers proofs immediately for good money and I was a starving artist person so I could always use the cash. They sold for over $1000.00 each, there were at least 3 so I can remember I was thrilled that me and my dog Yote ate well then too :) The time period was 1988 and in those days people would walk in and buy prints directly from us and it was pretty great. Whenever an artist signs a limited edition and you have a very large print like this you must have a person that moves the prints while the artist signs in a very delicate and flowing way so that he just goes from print to print from a stack and barely has to lift his hand or head, It's like a little dance. I would move them to make a new perfectly aligned, signed stack. That was usually one of my jobs aside from racking and mixing inks which presented me two areas that I got quality time with the artists, mixing their inks for the proofing process with them and moving the prints while they sign them. We always make the print twice, once on a few sheets for the proofing process and again as the final edition so you are talking at least a month or more working on one artists job and you get to have a little insight into their mind and ideas. I feel lucky I had the opportunity to work for him. I looked up the print "Dusted" that we printed and it sells right now in a slumpy market for $5500.00- 7500.00. When you look forward and catch the vision if you have the ability to see ahead, buy art as it comes out at a good price. It can be a very lucrative and wise investment in the future, plus you can hang it on the wall and enjoy it too. Of course his work now sells in every possible market and it is what many artists wish for. It couldn't happen to a nicer man.

William Wegman, Dusted, 1988. Screenprint, 30 x 24 inches, 76.2 x 61 cm (paper). Edition 47/96. Signed, dated, and numbered, recto.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Illustration Friday: hatch
PS: this is an exceptional view of the neighbourhood he lives in. I am standing on a hill across the street on another property that combines two lots that house an enormous mansion. Incredible!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Illustration Friday: crunchy

Friday, November 27, 2009
Illustration Friday: entangled

Friday, November 20, 2009
Illustration Friday: music

I have created many music-related images for record labels, bands, The San Diego Chamber Orchestra and I even painted a music house. This image is for the music blog I am a member of called "Kings of Maybe."When our fearless leader Asperezas asked me to make a new header for the 1 year Anniversary, I knew I had to make a crown of buildings. Our group is small but good and they have turned me on to some great music that I LOVE! My new fave is Just Say Yes by Snow Patrol posted by flor. I am lucky to be part of this wonderful tribe and hope for many more years of good music and inspiring videos. This is our new honorary member and crown model :)
please click on to the highlighted links
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Illustration Friday: unbalanced
Friday, November 06, 2009
Illustration Friday: blur
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Illustration Friday: skinny
Friday, October 23, 2009
Illustration Friday: Fast
A "fast" GROWING and very GREEN trend are PUMPKIN Houses. Grow one today!

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Illustration Friday: frozen

Friday, October 09, 2009
Illustration Friday: Flying

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Illustration Friday: Germs

The Toilet-shaped House has a very unique design and was built by Sim Jae-duck, the chairman of the organizing committee of the Inaugural General Assembly of the World Toilet Association, and he hopes his toilet house will highlight the global need for better sanitation. The Toilet-Shaped House is in fact named Haewoojae which signifies in Korean a place of sanctuary, where one can solve ones worries, Sim Jae-duck opened what is billed as the world's one and only toilet house to mark the launch of his World Toilet Association. The steel, white concrete and glass house, with a symbolic opening in the roof is a 419 sq, m structure with two bedrooms, two guestrooms and other rooms, the two-story house of course features three deluxe toilets.Unlike the giant toilet in which they are located they are not see-through affairs. If you would like to visit this house you can go to Sim Jae-duck's native city of Suweon 40 km south of Seoul.
via-Reuters & Spluch
Friday, September 25, 2009
Illustration Friday: pattern

click here for

Friday, September 18, 2009
Illustration Friday "inifite"
We get to take care of the magnificent Mr. Tar for 2 whole weeks while his family goes to Italy. Felicita Strada or Happy Trails Meghan,Billy and Sullivan! I love Italy

Monday, September 14, 2009
Illustration Friday: Welcome

Friday, September 04, 2009
Illustration Friday: Strong

copyright 2009 valerie walsh