My submission for Illustration Friday's "Fortune" is from a painting called "The Fortune Teller's Cottage". I painted this because Topanga is filled with gypsy's, physics, story tellers and the like. I do not like my fortune told but I am drawn to the characters that occupy these places in life. You never no what will happen when you enter the Fortune Tellers Cottage but if you want to get lucky the MatchMaker lives right next door!
copyright 1995 Valerie Walsh
I would love to walk along a city street where the houses looked like the ones you paint. It would be awesome.
ooooh, that is beautiful :) i really love the atmosphere in that painting.
How Appropriate! The illustration is beautiful and the houses hold a bit of mystery behind those doors.
How perfect! A fortune tellers house.
It looks so nice and paeceful. I would love to live in the blue house with the little cat on the stairs.
Sorry about the previous post. I think my fingers were on the wrong keys! Or at least I hope so. . .
Val you know the thing that really makes me just love your work? It's the way the roofs are bent and the walls curve, love the tiles on the roof. . .and the cutest little kitty on the door stoop!
I look forward to Illustration Friday and its topic. The first thing that comes to mind is: What will Val post? It's a treat to view your IF.
Really nice, Val. One of my favorites! Thanks for sharing it.
val, you know i read tarot cards. want me to pull one for you? i promise i am a counselor-ee type reader so i would not scare you with any scary info.
i still think you should be a city planner.....
what a thrill to have them in the neighborhood.....you have painted a lot of houses but you have given each one some kind of magical feeling and unique style
I have always loved art work with houses like yours. I showed my daughter your blog she squealed....remembering the different wallpaper borders of houses we had in each of our homes...I must say I love your work! As for psychics....it's all just intuition.. I am very attracted to the mystic world! Well done! Love the colors and the movement!
Peace Giggles
This is a mystical place. It reminds me of St. Agnes in England. It looks like the houses next to the Stippy Stappy there.
I researched quotes on fortune this morning and I like this one very much.
"One of the sanest, surest, and most generous joys of life comes from being happy over the good fortune of others."
Robert A. Heinlein.
they are really cute - lovely colours and curvy lines.
More lovely houses full of personality!
Valgal, you are the champion!
wow do those two have that market cornered. Lov the way the roof seems to be beckining one to enter in.
and always like ur animals
lovely as usual, and interesting writing! I agrre with you on fortune tellers
love this little town with the curved funky roofs. I remember going to an old time Renaissance fair that had cute little houses and of course, a fortune teller making us some very interesting stories!
What a really delightful painting for this week's topic! I love the animated look of the houses. It's as if they are wiggling and saying, "come in, come in... I know your future!" My sister and I used to go to a gypsy card reader who had a little storefront in a nearby city. It was laways fun to see what she had to tell us, although I don't recall if it was stuff that ever came true:>
As charming and sweet as ever! :)
I would like to live there. The blue one on the right! :-) Such wonderful work you have here
Lovely idea Val! Great work as always.
Oh! I love this. Makes me want to live in such a community!!
This is magical, Val, and I love it! I wonder how would it be to be able of beign inside your wonderful houses.
Have a beautiful day :D
I love the character to your houses, the fortune tellers house seems to be looking at you inviting you in.
There is so much character and life in your homes Val. I love the lighting and shadow here as well. I agree about the whole fortune teller thing too--some things I'd rather not know!
wow, I love the curves looks fascinating. I breezed thru topanga last week. hope I have time to explore next time and see the neighborhood for your inspiration in this awesome painting!
Swell neighborhood! Beckons one to drop by!
Hi Val,
I will come to make a turn in this house… It likes me much! I like the light which comes from behind! So cute!
Have a marvelous week!
What a lovely piece! I love the light in it, the way it shines through the houses. Beautiful colors too, and as many other people have mentioned, great curvy lines, they have a dreamy feel to them.
That space between the houses feels like it's calling me to go for a stroll through this little village. Very sweet!
Thanks Val for your comments...You are very nice.
Excellent and beautiful day
Always a pleasure to view your beautiful paintings :)
Like you, I don't like my future read either, good or bad - gets me all edgy and stuff afterwards. But I would love to walk thru this town you talk about - it's interesting just looking at the characters, culture, their everyday lives...
Hey Val! I've been meaning to ask you ---
May I feature your blog in my blog spotlight next week? I have Katie McDee today and next week if I may, I will post your blog. You can give me your fav image or I can choose one. Just let me know! thanks Val!
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