My submission for Illustration Friday's "grow" is from an illustration I did this week for a beautiful lady who has her own cosmetics label. The companies name fits in the open space that is the sky and all of these flowers are used in the products and are from Australian flowers that promote well being and growth. Each flower will imbue the wearer with positive feelings, will help eliminate fear and celebrate your beauty. Art is a great job because it helps you to grow as a being, you learn so much about things you might miss out on.
This is such a beautiful, happy illustration! And a beuatiful label!
Those are beautiful flowers indeed.....and I agree with you about what you said about art.
So precious Val! and I agree :)
Gee. I wouldn't want to pee on that. I just want to watch. Pax et Amo. Bad Dog
very beautiful. i like your comments too
Very beautiful !
Oh yes, growing beautifully!
Soft and beautiful Val.
Lot of nice work on here...like the clean linework and detailing...really like blues and juggle...nice...
Another beautiful image, Val. I wish I could see it more close up to see all the detail that you put into it.
great label, and I guess, packaging...I agree w' you about art and growt...
(Australian flowers=Bach's flowers?)
Very pretty. ;-)
wonnnderful fairy! she is fabulous and surrounded by such lovely flowers in the val garden.... :))
Val, this is so beautiful! Lots and lots of lovely flowers surrounding the equally lovely garden centerpiece. And your thoughts about art are so true!
val i think this is one of my fav of yours maybe cause its so different from your other style
How beautiful and what a wonderful product this must be. Actually I get that good feeling just from looking at your painting.
What a beautiful label for natural products from the garden! I see the fairy is the gatherer, snipping away with her tiny scissors. I also love the yellow background, a great choice. Very, very nice Val!
Happy ... yes, that is exactly what this piece feels like.♥
Beautiful piece of work, Val, and I agree with you totally about the incidental things you find out about when you're doing artwork and researching images.
What a classy label. If I had a product, I'd chose you too.
Hope you are safe! Val, hearing about these Malibu fires made me think of you. Have you been affected at all???
I do think I'll go to the opening of that gallery. It sure was nice to be chosen. Might you go?
Gorgeous! I bet she's tickled to put those labels on her products! Nice work!
This is lovely. And I need some of those products she is selling!
wow! i love it, val!
awww that is so sweet; and a different - kind of oriental feeling to it. you are so versitale!
Honestly, I am not sure how to read this. It is nice and makes me want to submerge myself in a lemon meringue pie.
I view the wonderful crafted tiles of the roof and I trace the vines until I see a window (?) or a board (?) and for me I stop there. It is enough information to just look at. Possibly the addition of conflicting object could top it off, but otherwise I think you have two separate good pieces combined together.
Of course it could be just me feeling overall guilty for not going to the gym and eating yummy foods... thinking about pie.
Love the yellows! So bright and cheerful.
What a Beautiful illustration and a great project to be involved in.
What a lovely picture! The colors and details are great. I really like the contrast between the black fairy and the colorful background. Nice.
Lovely as always.
Val this is perfect in everyway. You did an excellent job of fitting everything in. I love the fairy figure in the middle. The figure really just sets the whole label off. Great Job!
So very delicate and how appropriate for this week's theme. Wonderful!
Lindo siempre!!!!
nice weekend
You are totally right.. Art helps you to grow in a lot of ways.. I agree with the rest.. Happy Illustration.. :)
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