My submission for Illustration Friday's "Trick or Treat" is from my 2004 HomeMade calendars and the title is "Harvest Home". This is for the month of October and the quote is: A little house well filled, a little land well tilled" ~proverb~
I am sorry for all the people, animals and wildlife that have been affected by the fires. We feel lucky to have made it through!
Cute and cheerful!
Cool Illustration. The colors and contrast are excellent.
charming illustration.
delightful and cute! :-D
is that candy corn in the top? I love candy corn! That is my most favorite of all corns.
Very cute Val! awesome work.
it is well-filled! glad to hear you made it through!
Hi Val, Yummm a house full of candy corn. Do you have the address?
very cute and neat idea. love the orange, makes me want orange sherbet ice cream.
so cool! uhmmmm i have to look for a candy corn.....'glad to hear you're okay.
Val, I was thinking of you during the fires. We have several friends and relatives in the San Diego area. My family having been through fires and losing two homes, I know the feeling of loss, devastation, grief and then living in limbo for being displaced for months. But the human spirit is a naturally hopeful spirit and the dsire to survive and live is strong. I am proud that those displaced conducted themselves in an ordelry fashion and there were no riots and looting. May they be able to rebuild their lives soon.
And now your illustration. Proverbs is a good book and the bible a great source of wisdom. You beautifully executed this saying. The card is just adorable. It is always a treat to come here! Your blog is beautifully filled.
Beautiful colors!
This is lovely Val!
I thought of you during the fires and hoped they wouldn't reach Topanga.
Great illo.
I snapped a giant pumpkin in Belgium last week.
Beautiful Val! Have you ever tried candy corn mixed with peanuts? It's just like eating a PayDay candybar! Love that pumpkin house filled with candy corn! :)
Valerie, this is so charming & delightful! Love all the colors too-my favourite colors!
Have a great weekend & Happy Halloween,
emila yusof
super! i like the warm color.
Your trees are absolutely sublime.
Love this!! perfect art and quote :)
Awww... I want to live like her :')
Lovely illustration, and sobering reminder about the fires. This year the UK has seen floods rather than fires, but the threat to home and security is there just the same. Glad you're OK!
Such a lovely harvest home, and filled with such sweet treats, too. I'm very glad you and your family are ok. My heart goes out to those affected by the fires.
Hi darling,Well i know I am late but you have a LARGE PACKAGE ON THE WAY.I an headed to the post office to mail it and will leave you a tracking # later.I couldnot remember the size only the SUBJECT,but it has lots od details and I PUT ON OF fATHERS HANDMADE FRAMES ON IT.Got to enjoy all my younin's and 7 foster younin's came to.We made jerky and got to go out back and gather pecans for my holiday cooking.We are having a bueatful day,weather was rainy and cold for a few days.so I may get to work in my flower garden today.WHAT A GREAT DAY TO BE ALIVE AND ENJOY OUR BLESSINGS.XXOO
Beautiful! :o)
the contrast is spot on! this illo made me feel good inside. thank you!
great illo! love the bright colors!
-i'm sorry for all those affected by the fires...hope everyone can return to their everyday life asap!
was thinking about you and studio lolo...i'm so glad you are ok and safe! this is so warm and cheery, val! and the trees...you just do that just so RIGHT! :)))
Love it!
Glad you are safe. I thought about you. Here in Long Beach, we could hardly breath from the smoke and everything was covered in thick ash.
Nice work - and a real cut take on the theme!
Your illustration is brimming over with delightful goodies. I still have some candy corn left ...now I know where to keep it.
I am glad you and your family are safe.
A trick and a treat! Happy Halloween ValGal!
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What a nice pumpkin house!!.. I haven't eaten a pumpkin in my life.. but I should.. :)
Beautiful work!!!!
Beautiful colors. Love it!
I love the simplicity of this one. Where's the old woman's shoe?
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