Friday, June 06, 2008

Illustration Friday: Forgotten

I have always loved the story of the little boy who loves his Teddy Bear and his bear loves him and they are inseparable. Then the boy grows up and leaves Teddy behind. A bittersweet story that always touched me deeply and it reminds us to not let go of that child-like part of ourselves. Please do not forget the joy, the feelings and smells of your childhood as they will serve you for a lifetime. My submission for Illustration Friday's "Forgotten" theme is one of my Marisol greeting cards that offers a big hug and some snuggletime. Sounds pricless.


franhilz said...

those bears look so comfy! - very nice illo.

Vicki Smith said...

Very sweet, Valerie.

Kathleen Rietz said...

Very nice Val. Love the sentiment, too.

J. E. Morris said...

Cute idea. I think everyone can use a little snuggle time once in a while.

Roberta said...

I love this! I had a Teddy that I loved the fur and eyes off!

Janet said...

Wonderful sentiment, Val!
Mine was not a bear, but a stuffed dog I got when I was four.I still have him, although his ears are a little ragged.

Mim said...

I like the way they're hugging each other

Unknown said...

Hi Valerie...what a wonderful sweet!

studio lolo said...

My friend's husband still has his bear. It's been his friend for about 50 years now. Maybe the story was written for him? Beautiful card Val. A nice reminder too, for us not to forget the joy in life!

Bobo said...

Sweet and thoughtful, beautiful card.

erin said...

I didn't have a bear either, I had (well still have) an elephant dressed like a sailor...hey I married a sailor, wow, what would freud say? Wonderful illustration.

soulbrush said...

so sweet. what is it about teddies that we all love so much?

Neus said...

very good concept. I like it


very is your BABY post from last week...always bright and cheerful...

Teri said...

So sweet and adorable.

Tracy said...

I'm glad Teddy has a friend with him in the window seat, waiting for the child to return. Beautiful illustration, Valerie!

murphy girl said...

a very warm and endearing image!

dinahmow said...

Hug certificates! What a lovely idea!
And the way those teddies are snuggling -cute.

atomicvelvetsigh said...

aww so cute and huggable!! hihi.. };-}

i always luv your greeting cards..

Doodlestreet said...

Hey Dood!
I've been meaning to ask you...I'm guessing you use a lot of airbrush, right? What kind of airbrush do you have? When I was a kid, my mom bought me a badger..

The later, in the 80's, I started usging an that brush. I bought a Pashe for big areas, but I love that gravity flow cup on top of the Iwatta. I had my own 15 lb tank for awhile, but then tossed it after time because I was afraid it wouldnt' pressure test out. Boy...I miss my airbrush days. I do everything on the computer now...but there is nothing like getting your hands in it.

Anonymous said...

Val, good reminder!I've been having all these go to back to childhood dreams lately. This reminds me of that. As a kid, I collected teddy bears.

Anonymous said...

this is very lovely, val!

Anonymous said...

Wonderful illustration and a beautiful thought. I think those who loose their inner child. . .loose the love of life.

Anonymous said...

So sweet and so very true - we should always keep our inner child alive! I still have the stuffed grey cat (Chessie) that I received from someone as a baby gift when I was born. I guess that makes it a few hundred years old in cat years!!!! I love the little bears on the window seat and the pretty sunlight along the edge of the window.

Anonymous said...

Hey Valgal,
Love the card! Wanted you to know that I have the new pic you sent me at work & everyone loves it! Crazily enough, it's not unlike the weather here right now... I keep saying that I hate summer and can't wait for winter, but that assumes that we actually get a summer which is up for debate. Snowed 5 inches at Snoqualmie Pass over the weekend...

Anyway, love the new pic!!! :)


Lisa M Griffin said...

lovely work AND i just adore teddy bears which makes it even more endearing.

Faruffa said...

Val your words and your illustration are so deep and moving !

Gillian Mowbray said...

A very heartfelt entry. I never had a teddy bear as a child (sob) but I can understand the deep connection. Another delightful card, Val. x

Alicia Padrón said...

How very sweet Valerie!

Anonymous said...

Hi Val,
Where is my Teddy Bear? I don't no !
Beautiful, very beautiful !
Excellent week !

Anonymous said...

I want a teddy bear for my b-day. Better yet, I want a flying pig!!


nicole falk said...

so sweet!! very nice

Ellen Byrne said...

Oh, how sweet! You just keep comin' up with the best illustrations and thoughts to the word of the week!

Anonymous said...

great work, val!
and it is true how important smells are in our ol' memory banks!!


Ces Adorio said...

Oh how timely Val. Last night, I was cleaning up and sorting clothes for donation. I found my husband's childhood Teddy bear. That bear was a hand-me-down from his eldest sister so it's almost 60 years old. The bear lost one eye before he got it and it remaines one-eyed to this day. I saw genuine pleasure and delight from my husband when I oulled out Teddy. He probably does not want me sharing this with the public - he took Teddy with him to our bedroom. His sister wants Teddy and although generous to a fault, I don't think he'll give up this one. :-)

bog_art said...

What a sweet thing!.. I will do my best to not forget the little boy inside of me (which it is outside right now.. lol)

van dyke said...

Nicely done. Emotional story, too. Good work!

Random York said...

Very sweet thoughts and pictures Val-