When I think of flavor I think of coffee. I love coffee and it loves me! I don't go in for all these fancy coffees, although if I am out and there is
a cappucino machine I won't say no to a nice latte. I just go in for regular filler up ding ding good old fashioned coffee. This illustration is from my 2004 "HomeMade" calendar. Yes, you guessed it "Coffee House" is the title.
Cups grow like flowers waiting to be filled. And donuts and cookies grow from vines! The coffee is percolating in the lid and it looks like another happy day.
Sorry to all that came by this past week, I needed to amp up my work schedule on the houscape that I am painting and the holidays are the optimal time to crank on my workload. I won't be posting until after the 1st. The 31st is also my 9th wedding anniversay and 12 years together. John, Rat and I wish you all the happiest of celebrations! Have a prosperous, creative and loving New Year.
copyright 2003 
The title of this painting is "Celebrate the Holidays Together"It captures a neighborhood that is diverse. Hanukkah, Feliz Navidad, Kwanzaa and Christmas. Sorry if I forgot anybody. Diverse like all the artists that participate at Illustration Friday. IF has been a highlight this year! I feel as though I have made new friends. We don't criticize, we praise and inspire each other! It's a wonderful thing! Happy, Merry everyone.
copyright 2000 may not be reproduced without permission
I thought I should post another greeting card today. I have not been as good about it as promised but it is a busy time. I will try to post my walk through my forest in the New Year and I will try to name one more for the tag . Carla is hoping to try to participate too! I will need to name one more artist. Any volunteers? Have a cozy evening!
inside reads: Wishing you warm winter moments and bright Christmas memories
copyright 1994 Marisol Inc.
I have collected ephemera for quite some time. I love vintage paper goods , it reminds me of all the wonderful parts of childhood. This card is from my applesaucey kids line of cards and boxes, it is a homage to vintage images of children with a little valgal thrown into the mix! Brrrrrrrr, baby it's cold outside!
copyright 2002 applesaucey kids
To me being an artist is all about the imagination! "House Paint" is from my 2004 "HomeMade" calendar.
copyright 2003 May not be used without permission of the artist 
I am a firm believer in visualizing what you want. Ever since I can remember I have created what I wish for on paper. Sometimes creating something visually can be as rewarding as having a material thing. Of course when I was little I was not the painter that I am now, but I would have liked my own Toy Store!Inside reads : Wishing you many happy surprises during the holidaysMarisol Inc. copyright 1994
This was another card for the owners daughter. I really enjoyed painting these little Snow fairies hiding in the woods.inside reads: wishing you a magical holidayMarisol Inc. copyright 1994
The owner of Marisol asked me to make a couple of illustrations for holiday cards that used Nutcracker themes because her daughter was so in love with the story and characters, so I was happy to oblige. When I was little I wanted to be a ballerina too. I enjoyed painting this little scene.inside reads: wishing you a holiday season of joy and wonderMarisol Inc. copyright 1994
Artwork entitled "Open House" created for a Christmas card in 2002. Inside card reads: Celebrate the Holidays Together! It incorporates Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Christmas, Feliz Navidad and Peace. I try to make all my holiday cards appeal to all denominations.

I had a friend when I was young who went to Tahiti for Christmas. This sounded like the most exotic trip in the world to me. When she got back, she was brown as a berry! I was fascinated by her stories of Tahiti. Maybe some day I will go...When I painted this card, the owner of Marisol added quite a few more candy canes to my picture, she did it with the computer (not on my original).She did this to a couple of the Christmas Cards. They were already printed by the time I discovered it but she told me she wanted them to look more festive. I like open space. I don't feel like you have to fill every part of a picture. I like the less is more approach. Now in retrospect I find it funny that I even gave it a second thought. inside reads: all is calm, all is bright1994 Marisol Inc.
This is my idea for JoY! I did this card and yesterdays post with the same greeting card company,Marisol Inc. Another one of those dream jobs where she saw my work in Colorado, tracked me down and asked if I wanted to join her company. They came to visit me in Topanga and brought me specs on their everyday line. This was a template and the words to be used in each card. So I got to create whatever I wanted as long as it went with the words! I would send the artwork to Colorado once a week and I would receive a cheque with my originals. It was the perfect blend. I loved working for Marisol and we made cards and stationary for quite a few years. inside reads: From our home to your home with warmest holiday wishescopyright 1993 Marisol Inc.
I have made hundreds of cards for every occasion. They were made for greeting card companies, business's, individuals and my own lines. I really enjoy creating art for cards and you usually do winter scenes in the summer. It's boiling outside but you have to conjure up snowy cold scenes. I will try to post a holiday card each day to celebrate the season. I will show a small sample of my favourites.inside reads: on earth goodwill to all mankind.copyright Marisol Inc. 1991
This illustration is my logo. I love my logo, it is another signature image that crops up in my work all the time. A house that is a gift! Also blue is my favourite colour.copyright 1996