The happy couple at the table are the darling Mardi and Dion
Little girl with dog is our gal pal, traveling bud
and the lead singer of our girl band "Sophia" the Sugar Smith holding Mardi and Dion's "Tiny Elvis" who had the time of his furry life! Sophia's mom Liz and brother Westley spent 2 days with us too!

Dion is a doll, Sandra is awesome and a natural beauty, sisters Taylor and Ryan are funny, happy, darling and a delite and Dee Dee is the best sister you could ever hope for! They had just completed a very long bike ride. Notice I am not in this picture and I am not taking the photo...
Thank You Babs! Without you this trip would never have been possible and would never have gotten off the ground. You are the candle that lights the way and the most gracious and generous hostess. This was the best trip ever!!!
Dee Dee, Harriet, Valerie & Barbara ( notice that I am the tallest and I am 5' 2"!)
A much needed vacation was enjoyed by my family at Marthas Vineyard from July 22-29 2006. My mom, Babs and sister Dee Dee rented a house on Chappaquiddick for 7 days, it had 12 forested acres, it's own private beach and it was built in the late 1600's. They generously invited a group of happy fun loving people and we all had the best time. John could not come, he stayed home and took care of Rat so I was wild and free on the Vineyard, haha. Every body took a ton of pictures because it is beautiful so if you are inclined you may click onto these links and see the beauty, inspiration and fun we enjoyed on Marthas Vineyard.
Dion took these pictures:
My sister Dee Dee took these pix here: and of course you can click on to my flickr link and see my photos: