My submission to Illustration Friday for the theme Tea is Tea House. This illustration comes from my 2001 HomeMade calendar for the month of August. You know, Tea House of the August moon? ( for you younguns that was a play and a movie starring Glenn Ford).I realized all these months I have been remiss in telling you which month these illos were created for and the quote that goes with the picture. I spent years coming up with ideas, creating the 65 paintings, making them fit with particular months and collecting quotes my whole life about houses and homes. So now you know, it is not just a passion but an obsession...
The quote: "Things taste better in small houses" - Queen Victoria
copyright 2000
This is so adorable and romantic, Val! Very effective silhouettes against such lively colors.
Val, it's GORGEOUS!!! The colors, the everything.Just love it!!
Beautiful as always. I love that the teapot house is on a bridge. I'm sure you've said, but what media do you use?
Makes you to just "be there".
I airbrush and hand paint useing Liquitex acrylics on discontinued Canson Airbrush paper. I do my other paintings on gessoed masonite.
Love it! Really love your work...
This is so dreamy and romantic! I just love how the teapot is a pagoda, and i love the sihouetted figures. The colors are like the last bits of sunset.
Hihi, I sensed that with the obsession :) I can see steam coming out of the tea pot house, like it is alive and breathing, a very careful quiet breath to neither disturb the sleepy landscape nor the deep lover´s look into each other´s eyes. Tranquility, harmony, beautiful...
Bright inviting colors and a dreamy atmosphere make me want to join them for tea.
This is truly magical. It has a warm oriental touch to it and the colors are fabulous. They are so bright and create a really dreamy atmosphere. Maybe the sort of thing you'd dream of while having a nice spicy tea.
Brilliant illustration.
When I saw the topic, I thought of you right away, and wondered about your tea house.Very nice, Val!...looks like an inviting place to be!
Ahhh..very nice. Kinda like the places people go eat down there at disneyland when you go thru the pirates of the caribbean! Great work!
I got 'nuttin' this week....
I always love your stuff Val! There is something beautiful about the light you have captured in this that i just cannot describe-perhaps an aura? [or is that a bit too new age sounding?!]
Gorgeous idea and interpretation as always :)
Lovely tea house!! Very creative!
what more can i say? amazing you and really great illo.
Brilliant colors and who'd a thunk it? A tea house on a bridge in the shape of a teapot! Love it, Val.
OK I just must visit everyone of your darling cozy homes. This one is so great. Just so much to love here.
The Tart
Lovely romantic atmosphere!
This is lovely.
Lovely piece with great colours. That must be a nice calendar.
This is really wonderful. Just looking at it makes me smile. Great work. Hooray for obsessions!
Very nice and romantic - and great colours!
Artistic, romantic, original. An exquisite interpretation.
Beautiful and that's one of my favorite movies too.
Another colorful detailed illustration. Such dedication!
How lovely! And the quote is so perfect. I am coming for tea....shall I wear a hat?
Oh! I think this is one of my favorites!!! Enchanting and romantic!!
I know i've said it before, but, your original and beautiful works, never cease to amaze, this illustration/calendar entry, is just so appealing!!! I always want to visit your creations.
i would love to have a cup of tea in your dreamy tea house! how magical.
Very nice. I like the heavy color saturation.
Val it really shows that you have put a lot of time, research, effort and tons of talent into your work.
I like much what you do.You have much imagination and of creativity.It's a pleasure of looking at.Well done.
With soon.
This is beautiful , so rich colours and a great idea that teapot house. Great work.
hi girl! your illos are fantastic. just fabulous colours and filled with light and happiness. love them!
and you are precious!
Love the concept...the vibrant colors (as usual)...and, that little boat under the bridge! Your pieces always are fantastic!
This is beautiful. Your work always looks so warm and inviting.
Didn't get 'round to visit your blog last week. My bad. So I can comment on two at the same time. Gotta say I was expecting a tea house when I clicked in. And this is a wonderful one. As always, your colors are very rich.
The 'singing' fiddle (excuse me, violin) house I especially like. Again the super colors... this time against those muted greens. The notes of the entryway/walkway... and the notes lyrically wafting away in the smoke. Also, thanks for sharing the article from a few years back. Great stuff.
I thought I'd commented on this one already! Oops. I cannot believe how prolific you have been in your career, Val. There must be *ONE* stinker in the bunch somewhere! So far I haven't seen it.
oh there are some stinkers all right. Sometimes I have stretched the boundaries of what should or could be a house!
First Val I'm sorry I missed last weeks- Song. Your violin house was absolutely beautiful with the musical notes flowing through the air like steam. This Tea house is also gorgeous. I love the vibrancy of the colors and the sunset. The couple looks so cozy.
ouh!!...precious tea-time!! would love to be there.
Your illos never cease to amaze moi, Val... :o)
this is beatiful as usual...it reminds me of China! thanx for your comment and sorry for not beeing reachable...I got some serious trouble w' the server...
love it val and love that you spent the time putting all the house and home pics and quotes together!
Very beautiful and romantic looking. Nice job.
I agree that it is wonderfully romantic.
Lovely illustration --but can we expect anything less? :)
I've so enjoyed reading your blog and viewing your work! You're an inspiration!
Keep Creating!
Gorgeous! Such rich colors!
Beautiful colors! Love the softness of the piece! Brandi
is lovely , awasome is like the perfect house ¡¡¡ congratulations
I love this! The colors are great!
Oooooo! Pretty! I really like this one. As far as obsessions go, there are far worse.
Thouroughly enchanting !
beautiful illustration, love the tea house and romantic silhouettes! And the colours are gorgeous.
What fun! Zesty. No wonder your calendars are such a big project... 65 images? Here in Texas, years only have 12 months... or 52 weeks.... let's see 365 days divided by 65....
I always loved the Tea House at Descanso Gardens... my uncle did the design. He wasn't Japanese... just loved the culture.
Wow, it´s inspired me so much tranquility and peace... enchanting!!
I'd like to take my tea in the purple hills in the background if I can get a lift from that boat.
oh how I would love to drink a cup of tea THERE! fabulous!
Sultry is so right! I made 13 pix each year for five years worth of calendars. The 13th picture is the cover. I painted the same cover for each year but I changed the colours.
What I like most about this piece is the happy and vibrant colours, lightning background. It gives you the happy mood!
Lots tranquility and romance. Nice obsession you have and you do so well with it. Nice and admiring work.
but a good obsession
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