Well, here is my Illustration Friday submission for Monster. I don't really do Monster but this is the closest I can get. This is from my 2003 HomeMade calendar and the title is "HomeSpun". It was for the month of October and the quote is: "Every spirit builds itself a house" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson.
This is a miniature version of Bates Motel!
copyright 2003
Wow, this is great. I like this illustration quite a bit. I'm surprised that you didn't post it for the "Insect" subject a few weeks back.
Very Halloweeny - a ghosts home in the middle of a spiderweb - as usual your ideas and resulting artwork are excellent
From that illo, stories emerge alone...
Very good!
Val, it is wonderful!! You do such wonderful art!
Close enough...you even worked a house into a spider web - amazing! I really like the web in white/reversed out, very cool!
A very nice collection of monsters:-). Very creative.
What a great piece. I love the concept.
From the attic of one of your old places, I bet!
The Tart
Yes ! I luv haunted houses ! Spiders too !
They are cute!
I love it! The home for all the creepy crawlies – magical in spirit! Love it. Monsters are proud of you Valerie, they appreciate sensitive approach as well as the next person.
very cute... as cute as cobwebs can get.
The house in the center of the web was an excellent idea and well done. Very imaginative--
that is so cool val...your focus amazes me...maybe you should do a haunted house, that would be neat....
This is a great concept and lovely illo. I beleive monsters were created just for halloween!
Great idea, Val! Normans' house in the web is a nice touch!
funny idea - nice illo.
Spifer webs always house a monster somewhere, although your inhabitants look a lot more benign.
This picture is so cute, the whole site is dripping with cuteness, slopping over with it, drownding in it, burried in it!
I hate it.
Hey Deloss or Deloser or whoever you are, I never claimed to be anything more or less than what I am. This is the first hate mail I have received in 6 months so I guess it was bound to happen, solution: change the channel! And if you don't like my blog don't come here!
ophhh i like the ghosts and the witch. good idea putting them in a web which signifies that there was no normal human being in their space-
What an amazingly fine woven house!
I like the quote a lot :)
PS: Just reading the last part of the comments: I even love more what you said, Val!
I'm a bit behind checking out the last couple of weeks' illustrations. Very nice take on monster... and I like the house-cleaning below... claw feet on the bathtub and all. Beautiful.
Your little spider has company or dinner for a very long time, no, I think miss spider decides she likes her company and they just become house guests for a while, then go on there spooky way.
Love your cute little monsters and that stylish white web.
A house into a spider web, very clever illo !
It's wonderful. The web looks fantastic! Great post Love.
Very Cool Indeed!
This makes me want to learn to crochet properly just so that I can make a doily from this design.. :)
Man your stuff is soooo original.. you have the best ideas!! How do you do that?? Well I am back at home so I got to use my camera and post tons of work today.. Thanks for visiting my site :) I love yours!
This is wonderful! Great job on this weeks theme.
What a tangled web you weave! I love how you've put all the little halloween characters into the web, and I continue to be totally impressed by your ability to see a house in everythign:>
What a neat idea, lovely as usual!
Halloween is my favorite Holiday, so I love this piece!!
This is tooo cOOOL! Love the idea!! GREAT piece as always!
Really good!
Especially the little scared cat!
Love it!! Very clever!
I love that the monsters have their own house!
I love the lil' web house.
Thanks for the Michael Bedard link. I do remember seeing his book 'Sitting Ducks' now. He does awesome work, and from his biography I see he's had an amazing career!
LOVE how the house is part of the web...and, I think it fits the theme nicely!! As usual...you wow me!
What a clever piece! Great work as usual!!
Hello Val!
The monsters taken in the cobweb we will not annoy more.The spider takes care.
Blue,I like blue.This illustration is really very pretty.
Good night
too cute! nice job!
What a great quote.... and just what sort of house would a monstrous spirit build? I'm thinking there are many McMansions that would qualify.... or what passed for architecture when bureaucrats were designing low-income housing.
hi, tahnx for your UNIQUE comments. sorry for not answering soon...I could'nt connect to my server till now!!! love your insects/monsters...insects are micro mosters indeed!
This is really neat! I love the house in the center of the web. Great concept!
great job here. the blue really illuminates the characters here!
oh god, i love the little silk-woven house in the middle. very cute illo
charming and beautifully drawn.
Such a lovely little house! You have a wonderful touch and a fine imagination. Great job!
ooo, I love Halloween! Very nicely done!
Goodness, a spider web house...I knew you would have a house in there some place. I LOVE IT.
Great job.
I love the hotel in the middle. Your illustrations are so good! I love the concept - fabulous collection of monsters!
Bates Motel indeed! I can't believe I missed this one. Now there are *53* commenters ahead of me! I've never had that many comments in my 10 months of blogging so you really are the star, Val. That's okay -- you deserve it.
PS I think Deloss is just the Tart again in anti-Christ garb. :)
Montrously clever! What an exquisite web of terrors you have woven!
I love the house spun inside the web. Nice job.
Thanks for the comment. I've been to your site a bunch, but I keep forgetting to comment. I'm terrible with that.
wonderful idea and illo. if i ever buy a house (and i hope i will one day) i'm going to hire you to paint it.:)
What a great concept! Now, if I saw a spider's web with "Some Pig, Radiant, Terrific or Humble" written in it, I'd probably think, oh Charlotte's at it again... if I saw a web with an intricately spun house in its center, I'd be kind of scared...
You always find a way to incorporate your delightful home theme. How clever!
Another clever, arresting image, Val. I really enjoyed reading about your dog, Yote. What a surprise to learn that you know Michael Bedard. I've known his work for years. I wonder what happened to him...I think he's in the animation business now. Thanks for all your nice comments.
This is wonderful. i love your work!
psychoweb! all the horrors that get caught up in there. a fabulous piece. :o)
There is something about this piece that keeps me coming back to look at it again and again... I think it is the "old time" feeling of Haloween ...I miss that and you have it caught in a web.
Love it!
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