Friday, August 04, 2006

Illustration Friday: Capture

My Submission for Illustration Friday's "Capture" is from my 2003 HomeMade calendar and the title is "Animal House". I think it must have been hard for Noah to capture all those animals and load them on to the Ark! Do you recognize a familiar face on the boat? Yes, it is my darling Rat boy! He had a major operation yesterday and he is not feeling well at all today so I was tickled that I could feature him on IF . This little guy captured my heart 11 years ago and every day I feel lucky to have him in my life.

Animal House copyright 2002


franhilz said...

ah, this is wonderful!
so well done, animals seem no worried at all there
very good!

Geninne said...

Your Rat boy is the cutest! Hope he recovers super fast!
Beautiful my illo my friend...always perfect for the theme :-)

Cream said...

Yes, Rat has definitely captured your heart, Val!
I love your ark and Rat looks like he's enjoying the sea!

AscenderRisesAbove said...

cute cute cute... 'cept it made me hungry for animal crackers.

andrea said...

It can't be the Ark -- there's only one of each! I think this is one of your most charming pieces, Val.

valerie walsh said...

Andrea, of course you (the animal person) noticed that I only put one of each!!! The calendar takes so much time and you have to do 12 images and a cover, plus I drew a rough with two of each and it just looked so crowded so I fudged on the two animal idea and because I called it animal house I figured I might gett away with it...

Susan Schwake said...

one by one or two by two you really did a beautiful job here! cute to the max and lovely use of color!!!

steve said...

That lil' piggy is my favorite ! It's so cuuuuute ! And I also luv the shingles on the arks roof !


Janet said...

I hope things are looking up for Rat now....he's been under the weather far too long!Glad you got to include him!

String said...

As always, lovely illo!

The Unknown said...

So Cute!

Robert McLaughlin said...

Very nice, Valerie!

Anonymous said...

the only thing missing is a skier!

xoxox -- dd

Paige Keiser said...

Very nicely done illustration!!! Hope Rat feels better soon..

claudine hellmuth said...

love the rooster sitting on top of the roof!

Anonymous said...

hi, I'm captured by your captivating Ark, smart idea!
..hope rat boy gets better & better and tnx for commenting my illo.

Liz Jones said...

What a great idea! So cute! Hope the pup is on the mend!

Unknown said...

WOW!! Beautiful!!

Weichuen You said...

The animals make this illo really alive!

carla said...

This is really a very special illustration...I love how happy the animals are to be safe on their rocking little ark. I hope ratboy makes a speedy recovery...he looks like a love of a pup:>

Ellen said...

WOW! Well done!

Ray Frenden said...

I've three dogs myself; what's wrong with the guy?

Anonymous said...

As Usual, original take and wonderful piece of art.

Anonymous said...


Linda said...

ahh so cute, love it! the elephant looks a bit concerned.

best wishes for your pouch.

Majeak Ann said...

lovely capture..I want to be in there..haha!, I always want to be part of your illustration your world is always so brilliant!


Catnapping said...

LOL, I had to come see what Valgal did! I love the ark!

Give my love to Rat boy. Bless his heart. It makes my chest hurt to think of how scared our pets are when they're sick or hurt.

kj said...

val, what i like best about this illustration is that the rain and the waves are cool and safe.

i'm wishing this for everyone/anyone just about now.

hope rat boy (there's a name!) is better each day.


Random York said...

Mighty fine!

Gabrielle said...

I think Noah was very focused, committed and energetic to load all those animals onto his ark, because when it threatens to rain I often can't even bother to get my laundry of the clothesline in time, figuring another rinse won't hurt.

I hope Rat Boy is feeling better, Val.

This is a lovely image, as usual :)

Susan Mitchell said...

Beautiful! And I love the glowy yellow shining out of the ark :)

Teri said...

Beautiful Val. Love that you put your Rat boy in there!

Andrea said...

Get well Rat Boy!

steve said...

Well done illo--love how well you incorporate houses within each subject--a home for all occasions!

tiffini elektra x said...

Oh I am crossing my fingers that Rat boy recovers super fast!!! What a doll! Gorgeous illustration as always such amazing shading and I love the chicken on the roof!!

Unknown said...

Val I would love to see those monarchs you mentioned. ;)
Oh gosh I sure hope Rat is doing better by now. It just breaks my heart to hear of our pets getting ill.
your illo is just adorable.
and hope things have cooled off for you in CA.

TheTart said...

Hope rat boy has speedy recovery!

My cupcakes belong in all your sweet houses, especially this floating one! Sweet!

The Tart
; )

Twisselman said...

That Rat is one great dog. Looks right at home on your wonderful ark. Hope he's recuperating from his surgery. Blackie has him by a couple of years, but can't hear a thing.

Anonymous said...

I'm commenting a bit late but I just wanted to say I hope Rat boy feels better!! He's so lucky to have you in his life, to take care of him AND to draw him - now how many dogs can say that? :)

I posted a little update on my blog yesterday with a little something special for you - so you're invited to come take a look..

HARDWAX said...

Rat Boy looks quite pleased sitting on the deck of the ark-hope he is feeling better today.
Your work is always exceptional and sweet at the same time, i don't know how you do that each week-i think you have something called a 'gift', that's the only explanation. Thoroughly enjoyed your 'Ark'!

Anonymous said...

Hi Val,
I am a strange animal ! Is there a small place for me ?
Great illo! So cute ! Bravo!
A bientôt

Kay Aker said...

Your furry friend fits right in! Great as always!