My submission for Illustration Friday's "Help" is from my 2004 HomeMade calendar and the title is "House Pet". It's always wise to have a pet that helps around the house. Goats were used for brush clearing in Topanga State Park a long time ago. And many people have and still do raise goat and sheep here. I hear the goats on my walks. This painting was for the month of February and the quote is: Sweet is the smile of home; the mutual look, when hearts are of each other sure. ~John Keble~
copyright 2003

So cute! I just love everything you do! That cat is adorable also.
Sweet! You're lucky to have some help around the house, Val!
I love this house! It looks good enough to eat!
i really need to see the inside of this house! beautiful!
hahaha... I'd like to see the inside of this candy house. It's a very sweet way of living, specially for the month of love.
Oh I've always wanted a grass roof and the goat to go with it of course!
Great take on the the theme.
Cool house! I love the looseness of your drawings and painting. Awesome work.
Lovely illo!! Real cute concept!!
Hey Val! I love the house with the goat! It makes me think of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? with the sheep on the roof. This is, of course, so different and happy compared to that story:> I really love the pink and green. And the cat... wonderful! Have a very happy holiday!
I love goats. I love how they say, Me-ie-ieee. We use to tease them all the time BUT I would never eat goat because I thought of them as pets! This is a very nice house illustration. You must really enjoy doing these art work because it shows.
dont have any grass on my roof but lots in the yard u think any bosy out there could spare a goat lol. cute illo as always and lov th cat
C'est magnifique!
So so sweet...Love mr. kitty :-)
I have always said, "Goats are great". This house is fantastic, and pink, I have really been into pink lately!
i love your roof! how environmentally positive is that!! nice!
pretty colors!! haha I love the tie in to this weeks topic - I wish I could hear goats when I go on walks!
I like this house...the grass roof is a smart way to save the hose heat, as bio-architects know!
Sweet!! I would love to have a goat on my roof :D
so sweet... it belongs ontop of a very pink cake...
Neato! I love the grass roof!
(The trees have grown so thick over the years that I can't see it anymore,but ,on our way down the mountain, we used to be able to look down on an odd log house with a flat grass roof.More odd....there was a huge Indian teepee on the roof!)
Go to the 4th one down from your thumbnail (Raim)...he needs this goat!!
Fun illos...love your stuff :)
Now that is a real helper.
Things are calming down for me and hope to get a chance to connect with you if I make it to CA next January.
Will let you know
I realy love your houses and colors:)
These bubblegum colors are scrumptious!!!!
Beautiful as always. Grass in the roof, what a great idea :)
i like the pink color of the house and the cat is so cute!
That is so cute!! I can't imagine having to mow the roof-- helpful goat, indeed!
this is so sweet, val!! great work!
Preciosas las ilustraciones!! me encanta esa casita mágica !!
During WWII my grandfather used to load up the sheep and set them out on the high school football field to mow the grass (gasoline being rationed at the time)... more toothy helpers. Great illustration... I've missed checking out your posts... Life happened, and I've been away from IF for awhile.
They actually have plants on roofs in some areas of Europe! This is very cute!
I wish I had a grass roof I could put my pet on to nibble on. Lovely. I agree with Ginger, I want to see inside the house!
Nice illlustration! Where is Topanga? Anywhere near LA? I'm near Ventura.
i love the illo as always but i really want to just say hello and wish you a fine holiday and new year. it's good to know you!
Gotta love a goat on your roof :)
Have a happy holiday Val, and a lovely new year!!! I'm looking forward to a 2007 full of your charming illustrations!
Love the pink house it is my favorite color. The house is really pretty and I think it's creative that you have the goat on top of the house.
Edible. I love the pink. I could gobble it up.
We've used goats and sheep to clear the weeds off a couple of the hills around Missoula.
love that grass or astro-turf roof! ;) Happy Holidays from Reno Val!
The goats can fertilize the house when they're done!
This is one of my favorite ones that you have done.....most charming!!!
Goats here too... and chickens which I love. (Yes I live deep in hick country:)))
Merry Christmas my dear pal!!!
Very sweet. I love the story about the goats. Sounds like a great place to live. Any chance you've got a 2007 Homemade calendar?
Okay I love this one! I adore goats we have a few as neighbors. They are so naughty and adorable! Beautiful - your shading and coloring just really blow me away. Like everytime. . .
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