My submission for Illustration Friday's "Captain" is from my HomeMade Calendar and the title is "Houseboat". Babs (the kitty) is the captain of the houseboat. This was for the month of July of course and the quote is: "Nothing makes a house cozier than cats" Gladys Taber
i want to GO on the HOUSEBOAT! this is great, val...as per your usual, lit like it lives in breathes. :))
Leave it to Val to make a little house you want to move into right now! :)))
Wow! Totally cool. I bet the pee just runs off the porch and into the water, no stain, no stink. Pax et Amo.Bad Dog
Boy, are they ever the captains of anything. Cats rule the house including the houseboat. I love this piece because of the fireworks in the background. I saw a show on television about houseboats and I was in awe at the price of some of those houseboats!!!
Your blog is so cool. It is nice to scroll down and see all the beautiful artwork one after another.
Indeed! Gosh I miss my cat Fito :'(
Your illo is adorable, Val!
cute captain! that house boat rocks!
Most excellent as always!
Pretty pretty illustration! :) Love it!
very glow-y. like a firefly, i love it!
I'd have to agree with that quote-- though the house looks very cozy, regardless! Great take on the quote!
Love the fireworks!!!
wonderful! i love lil Babs!
Land ahoy!
Lovely houseboat, Val...
Once again Val you rule! yep like Babs our Lily is captain of this house at times.
Amazing illustration!! What a wonderful acompanying quote (but I'm pretty partial to Gladys Taber)...(and CATS for that matter!!)
Lovely. You're in my favorites now.
great illo, i want that house boat!
That little cat in the ceiling is adorable!!..
captain was a difficult prompt i thought - but you handled it perfectly well
I love your illo! :)
I wish I wasn't allergic to cats. They seem to be great captains. This is a great houseboat. Where can I buy one like that?
once again another cozy place I'd like to live in!
Wonderful. Love the cat!
thank you for your sweet comment on my blog about the WA mail. Made me feel MUCH better!!
I wish I live in a houseboat someday!
cool work as usual...great fireworks.
beautiful and festive!
What an inviting househome! I think there may be a party going on inside.
house boats are SO cool.. someday I want one :D
houseboats in california--heaven.
you are prolifically talented, val. (did i spell that correctly?)
i also love to scroll down your blog. it's the world as i want it to be....
beautiful!! The mood is so relaxing!
Hi sweet pea,hollor at me by email.Did the painting ever arrive.I have been at hospital for weeks with my father and never hurd if you got it.xxoo
Joyous! It would be better with dogs though!
I love your colors so beautiful they are =]
hi um dody new commenter lol ^^ its mv 1st time to see your blog !!
left you a nice matters award darling
wonderful colors !
Another happy card, really! Beautiful colors and wonderful image. And of course it's a cat, who is the captain :-)
Thanks for your nice comments at my blog - it warms my heart -
hugs from Denmark - georg
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