My submission for Illustration Friday's "canned" is a layered dimensional painting of a little town called Red Bluff, CA. It reminds me of childhood and small town life. Notice there are canned cherries in the window :)

This is a poster from my husband John Hartmann's concert hall "The Kaleidoscope" and you can see the Jefferson Airplane,Grateful Dead and Canned Heat played 3 consecutive nights in 1967. John's friend Gary Essert disovered them playing in a fraternity house where they were a huge hit. So John and his partner Skip Taylor signed the band on the UCLA campus. Skip still manages the band to this very day. Bob "The Bear" Hite lived in Topanga as well as "The Blind Owl" aka Allan Wilson. They played at the old Corral in Topanga.

These little storefronts are so sweet and cheery. Love them, thanks for sharing.
I went up the country once, it was hot, but I got back late and almost got canned. Love Bad Dog
Val, gal...this looks like a lovely place to visit, canned or not!
Happy weekend!
Nice use of Canned Heat!! :)
The video is incredible, just incredible. This man's "can" got full due to the beautiful message!
Great for Alejandro Monteverde can do... also handsome...
Thanks Valerie for your sense of touch and perception! Just beautiful...
You made my day!
Have a great weekend :)
you always have such wonderful posts!
What an incredible post. I love the way you pulled all the "cans" together, and we see yet another glimpse into Val's interesting life.
Fun stuff!!
ValGal, I will can this post so I can open it again. Hehe. I cannot see the movie. Anyhow you and your husband are such innovators, recognizing talent early on. I love cherries especially on top of cool whip over something sweet.
The sad music is still on.
Very sweet image! :)
Oh my gosh! I am so glad I tried again. I could not open it before (did not read instructions well. What a touching movie. Incredible the effecys of words and how they are said or used.
what a beautiful little town...I always know you'll have such a treat to share.
I love this little town you've illustrated...all the little details and the kitty looking out the window. BEAUTIFUL!
I just adore your dimensional paintings! I study them with awe. You have so many great postings for the theme this week!
very fun post. I bet it took cans of paint to paint those painted ladies (victorian)? Got a chuckle out of your canned heat album. I have a canned wheat in my album collection (the guess who) - which I recently pulled out of the dark recesses of my closet. As I recall the guess who pulled this album together in response to the canned heat music. I am going to take this as a sign to listen to canned wheat this weekend
I've never been Red Bluff before. Looks like a really nice place! The town looks really serene. I like the cat! Heh!
caaaaaanned heat!great, I remember when I was youg...
and even an italian "cucina" in Red Bluff...wonderful
(tnx for your comment)
Love your small town picture; really nostalgic! Also the music (canned heat); I'd forgotten all about this but have now demanded my husband order us a copy!
Hi Val! Love your work as always, so whimsical and inspiring - I need to pop in here more! :> Great post too.
Love this pic. Not unlike MV too, huh? Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Take care.
Wonderful illustration and such a great post. The film was amazing!
what a wonderful place and your illustration is great but, most of all the short film made my day. li like the song, too.
best regards
I love the illustration of the town and the Canned Heat story brought back such memories. Been a long time since I listened to their music. Thanks for the flashback.
Lovely song, Val. Must have been a dream come true for John to get all those great acts in his music hall.
When people ask why we've last so long, I joke:"We still the same tins (cans)..."
Tasty candy colours and that watermelon looks delicious!
Such a nice illustration! Love the pastel colors and light source...it seems to be twilight, my favorite time of day!
Val, your posts are truly inspiring! Not only for your beautiful illustrations but also for the little stories you share. It really made my day to see that video! =)
Great artwork and nice video. What a nice combination! Thanks for the video link. I shared it with friends.
This is wonderful, Val! Nice music selection BTW!
this is so american looking...seeing it with my british eyes!nice one.
Thanks for the memories of Canned Heat!
Visit your blog is always a pleasure.
Lovely colors, I'm smiling.
I have some Canned Heat on tape somewhere around here... love that song.
I also love canned cherries-- esp. in mountain pies.:9
Great picture!
Delightful storefront, love canned cherries!!!
I love your special colours - and thanks for your comment and the music - it's music i heard when I was young - - -
Another gem from Val's World. Love Canned Heat too. I'm jiggling along to this ....
A dreamy town with building in pastel tone! Looovely!
wow! wow! WOW!
I want to live there!
OMG Canned Heat! Wonderful and clever of you to feature them in this post. Love your little town. I would love to open up a can of cherries in that little cucina.
The short put a glistening to my eyes. Thanks, what a cool post!
Thanks for your kind words in my blog Valerie.. I really appreciate them.. and I am going to clik in the link right now to see the video.. =)
Nice effect...would be nice to see one go 5 or 6 layers deep...
CANNED HEAT! ohmygoshh!!!! just lookit that cover. that is an amazingly cool thing to read, and it happened right there, in his concert hall.
sweet and lovely lil town piece, too, vallie. i see the cherries! :))
A beautiful piece Val and how nice that those canned cherries were in the window!
Wonderful illustration, texture, color, concept...all of it!
Canned cherries make the BEST pies!
Your work is always so cute and well put together. I love the depth and textures; and the cute buildings that always seem so happy.
Excellent work Val-now I see it. Great, informative post too btw!
Ciao Val stell me, is it a tray?
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