It rose up in the winter night, it was a very large pale duck.
The Big Duck or Duck House
My submission for Illustration Friday's "pale" theme.
Location: Along Rt.24 North of Rt. 27 by 1.25 miles. On the west side of the road.Suffolk County-NYLatitude: N40 degrees 53.28Longitude: W72 degrees 33.44. I have painted this duck house before here as a daytime piece. I made this one that resembles how the people of Suffolk decorate the duck at holiday time.
A tribute to the artist Andrew Wyeth:
copyright 2007 Valerie Walsh
Beautiful pale duck! i like the added ornaments, too.
Great illo, Val.
Does one have to duck down to get into the house? :o)
lol. i love that he's bejeweled!
I always love seeing the big duck! I like the added decorations!
I am gigling. I thought it was just an illustration until I read the description. I wonder what happens inside the duck house? Perhaps a lot of quacking? Heheh.
This is such a lovely piece...love it!
wow! i think it's the soft warmy glow that really gets me with this. or the fact that it is a HUGE duck and, and, well...i don't know if i have /can find a big enough saltine for it!
love this house, vallie! a terrific piece! and thank you so much for the visits! :)
It's so cool that your lovely illustration is a real place. It's a perfect storybook image.
Wow, your technique is pristine!
I wonder what it looks like inside...
"You are invited to afternoon tea take Rt. 24 north of Rt. 27 it'll be the first duck on the left!"
Who lives in a duck...
Oh well done! Bravo! Maybe it's a "cold duck", but she looks so serene in the snow.
Very fun image and beautifully done.
LOL. I would have never in a million years thought to do a huge illuminated duck. SO CLEVAH!! Well-done!
This is beautiful all decked out! I remember it from the daytime illustration.. You have a gift for creating such lovely color and texture.
Hello darling,just stoped in to see what you were creating and say thanks for coming to see Mama's Christmas balls. I have a new grand baby coming in February !It's going to be a boy.trying to get back to my art and my Uncle from England is here for 6 weeks. hope you have a joyous weekend.xxoo Jessie
Cute cute ducking!
Ilove the pale colours that you employed here:)
Love this surreal pale giant duck in the snow and its serious expression.
As duck houses go, it's one of the nicest I've seen! Lovely.
you quack me up, val.
:)and xo
Never seen anything like this in what you've showcased so far. This is amazong. Thanks. I may rely on more of your work again soon. Best wishes
Holy goosefeathers! Your giant duck, bedecked, is just ducky! I am so giddy that this is a REAL house! I must make a pilgrimage one day.
Would love to see this. Your illustration is beautiful
Brilliant - and very funny! Hey - how come you're not playing ' A whiter shade of pale'? ^_~
ha ha this is cute, love your pale duck house.
Beautiful =)
I would love to see this! Excellent illustration!
a pale duck....excellent
Oh, this is so beautiful!
Does it really exist?.. wow!.. I want to see it!.. beautiful illustration as always my friend!..
how nice!!! beautiful
Gorgeous! Whatever happened to 29,000 Floating Ducks???
I'm a wee bit scared...
This is priceless. The colours are very night-time and wintry. I like the expression on the duck's face.
Oh wow, is this ever precious!
so cool I think I saw a show about this duck once on PBS - you have made it look so mystical and magical
Wow, thats is a really unique home!. Love it, its beautiful. Nice use of colors.
what a fun photo! so different for you.
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