The shape of the butterfly is very close to the shape of the infinity symbol. In some old cultures, butterflies also symbolize rebirth into a new life after being inside a cocoon for a period of time.The Ancient Greek word for "butterfly" is ψυχή (psȳchē), which primarily means "soul", "mind". Both possessing infinite qualities and possibilities. My submission for Illustration Friday's "infinite" theme is another stationary card for Monday Artday ATC's stationary group. This is called "Housefly". When I look at butterflies, I see flying houses, don't you?
We get to take care of the magnificent Mr. Tar for 2 whole weeks while his family goes to Italy. Felicita Strada or Happy Trails Meghan,Billy and Sullivan! I love Italy

copyright 2009 valerie walsh
We get to take care of the magnificent Mr. Tar for 2 whole weeks while his family goes to Italy. Felicita Strada or Happy Trails Meghan,Billy and Sullivan! I love Italy

Love it!! Great take on the theme... and nice cat!
Very clever concept and observation regarding the infinity symbol and the butterfly and, as always, a great illustration, Valerie!
The video is great! And I love your connection of the infinity symbol to the butterfly.
I didn't see flying houses in butterflies before, but now I do! Lovely illustration! That is a beautiful cat, too!
Me encanta la composicion de colores, es preciosa. Y muy bonita la visión que tienes sobre las mariposas. Que lindo gatito, su dueña estrá orgullosa, ya que seguro que lo has cuidado genial. Saludos.
i like your colorful houseflies or as some people call em butterflies: michaeal dailey
How wonderful.
The color, design and overall illustration is pure delight.
I love the painting, the commentary and the pictures of TAR. Tar must love you to stay put when his family is away.
If I ever have another cat I may name it Psyche as they do posses an infinite range of emotions .....
Ah, such darling flutter-bys! How clever to put the wee little houses in there. I love these colors against the black.
Speaking of black, Mr. Tar looks like a lovable little guy. Enjoy!
I love the idea of butterflies as an infinity symbol! Very cute.
Cute kitty too! :-D
You are just too clever Val..... I love this!
And what a beautiful cat, with such a clever and fitting name!
I love the house butterflies! You are so clever. I hope you have fun with Mr. Tar!
I never thought about the shape of the butterfly's resemplance before. I like that you put these colours against the black backdrop. It really sets the colours off.
AAAW! I love your IF illustration. Then again I love everything you do. When my right hand heals, may I exchange ATC with you please? Tsup!
HEEHEEHEE! you've given a whole new definition to 'housefly'! i'll never hold a fly swatter again without thinking of you.
val, you love animals so much. i wonder sometimes when it will be time for rat to send you another animal of your very own?
I love the 'no-nonsense' felt flowers! Is Tar not a wandering cat?! I want the house with the porch; when I grew up, our house didn't have a porch and I still want one!
love the house pattern on the butterflies! Mr. Tar is exquisite!
ooh, this pic almost looks like felt pieces! Have fun cat sitting. He sounds fabulous.
oh, vallie! they ae sooo pretty! i love all the neg space...really sets them off. and you MUST let me draw mr tar...he's got a great shape and eyes!!!! :))
Hey Val, I love the sound of what you said. Will let me know? I kow it will be fun if you are in it! Have a wonderful week Val!
Hey Val, BTW, may I post your video on my blog? please? I will link your blog of course!
joy and sense of space
You're a celebrity! If not, you look like one! Love the house and the process! As for the infinity entry, interesting texture on the paper and the butterflies are gorgeous!
I love how your mind works. Of course one thinks of a house. just lovely Valerie.
Very lovely piece for this prompt!
Wonderful commentary and beautiful imagery! I love the cat's name, I'm still laughing about it! :)
The butterfly looks like an angelfish with two whiskers to me. I like the contrast on the black texture background.
wonderful... looks like it could turn into a swatch of fabric if you worked it in a repeat. Thanks for sharing and happy cat sitting. =)
Very nice and great name for the wee kitten. Dig the video! Bravo!
Darling butterflies. Charming. And thanks for sharing the stunning black cat.
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