Living in Topanga I know a lot about mud because here we live in the dirt. I am sad to report that more people are moving in and pouring a fair amount of concrete to make it less dirty! It always makes me wonder why a person would want to live in a rustic State Park when they could easily live in Calabasas which is much more paved and upscale. Have you noticed that I talk a bit more when I really don't have anything for the word and I don't have time to make anything either :(
This image has a little to do with mud, muddy and Topanga because this doggy plate that I made for my mom about 15 years ago is made with Topanga mud in a little garage clay studio belonging to Jan Mitchell right down the lane. Good clean mud! We taught children, we had girl's Monday Night Clay where we played, talked and laughed. My submission for Illustration Friday's " muddy" theme is a painted clay plate "Happy Day" I made for my mom Babs who has not been feeling well. I love you Mom!
"happy day" plate 1995 valerie walsh photo of babs 2007

I love this "muddy" plate and the expression on the dog's face is one who knows what fun can be had in mud.
Years ago we had a part of our backyard under the large trees that moved from grass to good old dirt. I was quite pleased with it. My husband ordered a delivery of river rock-sized rocks and poured over the whole thing. I hate it and have been "moving" them into the garbage can little by little. Yes, the dogs' paws pick up more debris when they go out there but wow I am beginning to see some dirt again (and even some grass that has decided to return).
Your mother is so lovely in this picture. I hope her illness is only a memory soon and you see this gorgeous smile on her face soon. Bless bless.
Your plate is a great tie-in with the "muddy" theme, Valerie. I hadn't even thought of the mud-clay connection. I like your plate and the cute, little dog image on it. Hope that your mom is feeling better soon.
Thanks for the Crystal Clear suggestion. I think I'll give it a try.
Oh dood...this plate is absolutely adorable! And that you made it from the earth from your part of the woods in Topanga is even more special. I can imagine that your mom has a very special place for this and just marvels at all the things that you are able to create. She's has be one proud mama!
Your mom has such a lively and happy spirit in this photo. That's where you get it from!! :O)
Feel better, Babs!
Okay, I admit I'm trolling around to see wtf my friends have come up with for that godforsaken prompt, Muddy!! Honestly, "IF" what gives?
So Val, you've once again pulled something out of your hat that works and once again I'm inspired by you ;)
Babs,sending you healing thoughts and hugs from Val's pal in Rhode Island. XX
Coolio! I'm sure you had lotsa fun with your friends on those Mondays.
I hope your dear mom is feeling better soon!
I agree with Lolo here - what on 'earth' can I do for muddy! Lovely to see your interpretation literally using the mud - clever you! What a beautiful Mom you have - hope she feels better soon. Thank you, by the way, for your latest comment - I do so appreciate your visits! C x
Okay now when I found out what the theme for IF was this week and I thought what am I going to do, but Val this concept is great. Also the picture of your mum is lovely she looks like she is such a warm lady, I'm sure she will be better soon. lots of love.
everything is tenderness in this post
the plate is super lovely
what a lovely plate and such a lovely mom
what a smile! reminds me of the smile of a deal friend of mine who lives in topanga and effortlessly found a purpose for IF's mud.
i love that i know where you live! every time i visit here i think how lucky i am to know where you are, what your studio looks like, how genuine your laughter is.
i hope your Mom is feeling better and better.
Es una preciosidadddddddddd.......... cuida mucho a tu mamá y espero que pronto esté bien. Un beso para las dos.
I really like the shape.
Your mom's so beautiful in this picture and lovely smile!
Best regards
Hey Val! You are an Illustration Friday genius! You pulled a fantastic twist of the prompt out of some wonderful memories. Good for you. The plate is fantastic! I'm sure your lovely mom treasures it! She is a very lovely woman. Babs will certainly be in my prayers this week for a speedy and full recovery from her illness. Thanks Val for another peek into the wonderful world of Valgal. :o)
fabulous piece - love the style here
Thanks everyone for the good thoughts and prayers! They are working! I love this plate Val made for us(me and Dee Dee). It always reminds me of Yodi who I absolutely loved. Whenever I visited Val I would take Yodi for an early morning walk. Great memories!
i adore you mom!
hope your mom feels better, the plate you made for her is lovely.
What a thoughtful gift val.... your mom is lovely!
Hope she feels better soon!
Hi Valerie, the clay plate looks great. I would like to ask if is it me or the dog is glued on the center of the plate?
Hope to see more decorated plates post in the future.
babs would make a wonderful book character, vallie! she has a really great face!
oh and i love the doggie plate! ")
Great plate, I love the little dog. I'm stuck this week too!
Cara Val, what a beautiful entry for the topic, your plate is so cute and funny with the little sitting dog. I hope your mother will be better soon, she is a so beautiful Lady, so "solare" (how we say here in Italy, I don't know if it's the same in English ?!).
ciao Vit :o)
wonderful post and such a beautiful plate. thanks for sharing, hope you are well.=)
Oh what a beautiful plate and such a wonderful gift for your mom..I do hope she feels better very soon! I can only imagine how cool the clean mud was..both in feeling and the making of something so nice for someone you love. Great post!
Your mom is gorgeous!! I hope she feels better soon! I LOVE the plate, and I totally agree that people should appreciate what is around them and not try to change it!
This is so sweet! Hope your mom is feeling better.
What a pretty mom! :) Hoping that she's feeling better soon, Val...
She has such a beautiful face! Wonderful tribute and I'm sending get well wishes to you for her!
1st hope your mom is feeling much better. ( now we all know where you get your good looks from)
2nd i was shocked not to see a house. thought i had the wrong blog.
3rd love the plate and dog. is he done in bias relief (think that's a word). Your style still shows through.
Mud plates for mud pies! :))))
The doggie ate the pie all gone!
VAL-MOM you have a lovely daughter, now get to feeling much, much better!
Great idea Val - what an adorable plate, love it! Wishing your mom a speedy recovery, she looks like a gem!
You came up with a beautiful offering for this week's challenge. Yes, mud and dirt can be therapeutic for the soul, not to mention the doggies love it, too! Hope your mother is cheered by all the good wishes!
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