You are not seeing things, come closer, this is the dance of the hammer and the nail. It is a rare treat to catch a glimpse of this elusive happening! My submission for Illustration Friday's "Equipment" theme is an illustration I made while the painting I am working on is drying so this is quick and dirty and down to the wire ;) This little painting on paper is called "Home Work". You cannot build a house without the proper equipment. The humble hammer and the nifty nail ;)
2010 valerie walsh
Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it.
~Bertolt Brecht
It's darling! I am suddenly humming "If I Had a Hammer" to myself. :)
Cool idea, Val!
I also think this is a great idea, i have never seen such a cute hammer:)
a quickie! a newbie?
you are too much!
i can feel the dancing going on here!
but val, hee hee, i must admit when i think of equipment, my mind wanders to the sensual side of things. :)
love love
we've been using a hammer around my house ...
perfect ... love
very cute Val, this made me giggle
Daaaaaaaaaaang girl!!!!!!!
When you said you were working on an Equipment idea, I didn't know you were really actually PAINTING it! That was FAST! You rock!!!
This is an excellent idea for the word this week, I totally love it. And this little hammer...it looks exactly like my little hammer (my fav) that I've been carrying around for over 20 years...the one I built my cabin with!
Very cool, my dood. Once again, you've hit he nail on the head. ;OB
Humble hammer and nifty nail painted by the virtuoso, Val!
haha, NeatoOoo!!
Hi Val,
Good and funny idea ! Beautiful !
Have à Good week-end
Excellent anthropomorphism!
Helloww, Val! Now, this is something I've never seen before... Look at that cute one in the middle jumping up! Ah, cute idea... :)
Jajajajajaja............que ilustración mas graciosa, tienes una imaginación desbordante, me encanta. Un besito.
Darling! Funny and well done! Fun, fun, fun Missy Val!!!
This illustration has been selected to receive the "Pure Awesomeness Award" hereby bestowed by...Me. :D
Hey Val! I don't know how I missed this... Glad I hopped back over. This is very cool. Love those nails. They look so graceful. I can almost hear the music. :o)
I'm glad you got your "Home Work" done. Oh and thanks for stopping by... you ROCK!
Wow! Brilliant idea and I love the angle hammer and the three little cute adobe:)
YOu fascinate me again Valeri:)
Great idea on the theme... drawing a blank on it myself this week and decided to focus on teacher gifts instead. ;)
Delightful!!! Love nail that are little flowers and houses at the same time :o)
I love this! I thought for a brief second that you had done an illustration without houses... but after closer inspection (and putting on my glasses) realized you just found a way to cleverly insert them. Awesome!
Brilliant Val, really nice work!
this winged little hammer doesn't want to come bearing down on these cute little housey nails!
Maybe this is an example of tough love? You need me therefore I can beat you?
I do love the illo. Sorry I got all psycho Freudian on you!
Tee-heeeeee ;P
Very clever, Val! I really like this!
Your hammer has got to be one of the sweetest hammers ever! Those tiny wings give him a sensitivity that may save those tiny houses sitting on nail heads. I think there must be a story here.
It is a beautiful painting!
fun fun fun. i like this a lot! any house should have a hammer. do you have a hammer house?
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