My submission for Illustration Friday's "craving" is "Soda Shoppe" an illustration that is an interior , yes, but it is a room for a building in my ValerieGallerie site that is used to house my greeting card section. This is a slightly different version that shows what Babs the cat is craving. A wonderful guy named Brian Coughlin helped me make my site and I will never forget his patience, kindness and generosity. He is a member of the band "Kinch" and a very multi-talented young man.
I was in Washington for 7 days and I hung with my pal Louie and we took many beautiful walks together.

I was just in Washington, too (two nights), and I had a Border Collie cross with me (my new dog!) but I was in northeastern WA.
This is a great illustration -- one of my fvaourites of yours! I must check out the greeting card section now (and I love this song!).
I see it's not available as a greeting card yet. When/if it is please let me know!
Wonderful. Looks like Babs could use some company, so I'll make sure to pull up a stool ASAP and share in the tasty food :).
I love it. It's so inviting. Good job.
great Illu love your work anyay!!! your buddy and the green lush road way must have been heaven to your senses?
I usually flee fast when music comes on without invitation. But this KD song is great.
Nice illo.
What an awesome illustration. I just adore your color palette and the page composition. It's great!
What a cute illustration and i love the pictures of Louie! He looks so happy and contented in the pix!
Thanks again for watching him and treating him like a prince! You are the best sister ever.
Really terrific, Val!
impossible not to smile
fantastic piece, those colors are to die for.
And the cat has an air of royalty - I love how cats manage to do that!
do you ever visit the Eugene area
please let me know....
I'll take you & louie for a ride around Dexter Lake in the Pontoon ....
What a wonderful place to have a soda! Your new website is gorgeous, not only because of the great layout but because of all your delightful work that is showcased there.
Louie looks like he had fun 'Hangin' with you too!
Beautiful work....and one of my favorite KD Lang tunes.
so beautiful in every way.
val, stop by my place when you can. there's a little award waiting for you, with love!
great and friendly soda shoppe!
valeriegalleri rhymes so good and what a lovely site/layout for your fantastic works.
and i like your pal Louie.
very cute! love the cat waiting for his treat and the fresh colors you use in your art. thanks for visiting my blog, i really appreciate your comment.
Nice details on the illustration. Nice colour palette. Great work!
VEry pleasing! Simply delightful!
Really beautiful, love all this cool soft and pastel feelsoda shop!
love this one, vallie! and what a gorrgeous puppy! :))
i love that black cat! fantastic work!
Hi! What I wouldn't give for a good ol' soda! Love the cat. I lived in Pullman Wash for a couple of years; that's the dry side!
looks like you and louie must have had a wonderful time in WA. Louie was the name of my dog i had when i was in HS though he wasn't as big as this louie.
I see babs has the same taste as my aliens.
Michael Dailey
You certainly match music with design well! I love the illo!
OMG Val this is enchanting, colors and setting create a magic atmosphere ... I would like to open all the cabinets to look what inside!!!
really lovely illo. like oyur style a lot.
Lovely illustration! Your dog looks so cute, so sweet! It reminds me of those wonderful days I spent with my dog.
Wow! I think is my favorite.
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