My submission for Illustration Friday's "worn" is a 3" x 3" mini canvas for the Art House Canvas Project 2 . The word for this image is "Nocturne" and you can see my little friend Tar the cat is worn out from chasing the fireflies.
I know a few artists here in LA that did paintings for Michael Jackson. He was a great lover of art and really admired excellent craftsmanship, artistry, intricacy and deeply detailed works. He was a big supporter of art and artists. The Jackson clan moved to Encino in the early 70's so his family's home is very close to Topanga. I hope he is dancing and singing in peace.
I know a few artists here in LA that did paintings for Michael Jackson. He was a great lover of art and really admired excellent craftsmanship, artistry, intricacy and deeply detailed works. He was a big supporter of art and artists. The Jackson clan moved to Encino in the early 70's so his family's home is very close to Topanga. I hope he is dancing and singing in peace.

The fireflies are one of the things I miss most - that from the Midwest, where I grew up. But bits of my family lived around LA for quite a while and Topanga Canyon is part of my background.
Ay,ay,ay....como me gustaaaaaaa....es preciosa,que manitas tienes,les das a tus casitas un encanto especial....Saluditos.
Awesome Val! I agree about your MJ sentiment... I'm sure he's really moon walking now!
val, i feel differently about mj. i can't seem to overlook his proclivity for children...not that i don't bless him and bow to his talent, but jeez.
i love this house0--a little gloomier than most of yours, but yet again i'd know it anywhere.
Tar, do you see MJ in wonderland?
love your colors!
3x3???? wow. you can REALLY draw a house, vallie! this one's super...and we've gots of fireflies already...my favorite time of summer, when they show up! :)
I love the house, and the fireflies make it a perfect summer evening. We have to wait a long time up here in NH for them to show up, but when they do, they are HUGE and constantly beckon us outdoors to enjoy the night along with them.
More little houses where everyone wants to live.. and well, we have lost a big artist of the music world.. we hope he is still dancing and singing no matter where..
This is a great summer eve scene. Love it!
thank you very much for your visit, I also understand the English, now I'm using a translator, I do not know if the translation is buena.Me love your dream home and fantasía.Saludos.
Charming and so very kind.
Love this little illo. There is something so magical about fireflies.
Wow! Cool!
Worn house....but to me it's so lovely!
The glitters light of the fireflies around the house sparked interesting story:)
aw...how sweet!
hello valerie!! as always, your works are so pretty!!
Great Val! Love your kitty. Did he catch any of those lovely fireflies? Great cozy home. Love your style! Nice work...as usual...:O)
I love the sky on this, like a warm summer night. lovely stuff
What a charming place to be tuckered out! Lovely!
Adorable kitty, fireflies, and house! The accompanying MJ song was peaceful...I'd forgotten about this song by him. It used to be one of my favorites. He was strange, but he was an awesome musician. RIP ... BTW thanks for saying you smile when you see my "adorable" face at my blog! That made my day :)
Mind boggling that this is so small...it took me a second to realize the interesting back texture was from the canvas!!!
i like the lean of the posts and the angles of the house. It conveys all that a warm summer night should be. Looks like Tar is enjoying his rest.
michael dailey
Tar is very cute, and so is your house painting! :) Love the little door.
Yeah fireflies! Please imagine a sparkling christmas scene built up by the fireflies, that's the most wonderful experience I've ever had!
This is a beautiful piece, it's very kind of you to put a chair out there for the exhausted cat to rest!
As always, your illustrations are beautiful and whimsical. Thanks for stopping by!
So evocative of those long summer nights!
This is beautiful, Val! You amaze me!!
What a delightful illstration - your houses are magical! Like the pic of Tar too, like a little black panther, well camouflaged up there in the tree!
so lovely and summery and peaceful.
Finally all the fireflies came out a few weeks ago, I love those sweet gentle creatures!
delightful as always, love love love the black cat on the armchair!!!!
one thing is missing in it. me! he he. i really like this a lot.
and about mj, we have the same wish for him.
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